MPA discussion heating up again

Trolling and Bottom fishing around the G-town hole area could become a thing of the past. Discussions on this at next council meeting here in Charleston! Read article!

Thanks for sharing the story. We stopped VMS because enough people submitted public comments opposing it. We can also stop the closure of traditional fishing grounds IF enough of us will stand united in opposition to the proposed MPAs. We also need to consider supporting some alternative solutions like enhancing existing MPAs with new artificial reef habitat and marking them with data buoys equipped with video cameras to prevent poaching. Recompression gear like SeaQualizer can reverse the 90% discard mortality rate for deepwater species to 90% survival rates. This would negate the need to close areas to reduce discard mortality. We could tag the released fish to collect much needed data so scientists no longer assume a worst-case scenario based on the lack of data.

If this passes, VMS will be back and recs will be included

Squid Row II
22 Shamrock WA

Flounder Pounder II
16 Sandpiper Skiff


Freefish, I admire your passion, but you do not understand the enemy’s motives. If you truly understood what Cupka and Waugh have in mind, you will see that these other things you mention will not buy you the time of day… Re-posting from my other discussion…

I’ve always been told to judge someone by their actions, not by their words. Look at how SCDNR manages state fisheries (redfish, trout, oysters, etc). They do have reasonable regulations in place, but they also do things like habitat restoration, fish stocking out of the waddell center, artificial reef building, etc. It’s a comprehensive approach to management.

The feds swear that they do not have the money for this which is a LIE. If they wanted to get the money for this, they easily could. They only have one tool in their bag = RESTRICT.

Why wouldn’t the feds want to mimic the SUCCESS that SCDNR has had? It’s because the leaders of the SAFMC (Cupka and Waugh) believe in an entirely different approach that’s very cheap. They want their name to go down in history as the guys who implemented “Ecosystem Based Management” in the Southeast Atlantic. They believe that you can manage a fishery by restricting access to key fishing grounds. They want to close off enough fishing ground to protect a critical mass of spawners. Let’s say that is 60% of the live bottom out there. They believe that if they can make 60% of the live bottom a “no fishing zone”, then it really doesn’t matter what happens in the other 40%. They have had this dream for 15+ years. I’ve even shown their meeting minutes where they say that the only way that they believe to manage the fishery is through the use of this method.

I’ve said this many times before, but for whatever reason, I am ignored. I’ve even proved it through their own words. So, again, MARK MY WORDS… The SAFMC only cares about ONE THING… MPA’s. That’s why it’s always on the table for discussion. I ABSOLUTELY PROMISE YOU that they will continue to slide in more MPA’s right under our noses and as they slide i

I mean, isn’t it pretty obvious? These guys said 15-20 years that MPA’s were the answer. Why are we all shocked that they are still talking about it?

natureboy, I know you remember specifically what Cupka said when the first MPA’s in Charleston were passed a handful of years ago! I remember hearing you quoting him at one of the public meetings. I think you read from an article in the post and courier or something that said that Cupka had been “waiting for 16 years for this moment [the passing of the first round of MPA’s]”. That was over 5 years ago. So we are really talking about a 20+ year vision for Cupka and Waugh. They are the cancer that needs to be removed.

Feel free to print out in 8"x10" to use as a litter box liner or range target.


NMFS = No More Fishing Season

“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”

Is it possible to fire Waugh, Cupka or Crabtree?

Can the states do anything?

Squid Row II
22 Shamrock WA

Flounder Pounder II
16 Sandpiper Skiff

Cupka is looking more feeble and older.

Originally posted by Squid Row

Is it possible to fire Waugh, Cupka or Crabtree?

Can the states do anything?

Squid Row II
22 Shamrock WA

Flounder Pounder II
16 Sandpiper Skiff

That is not a question that I have the knowledge to answer, but I would think that anyone is replaceable if you know the right person. I would love to see STRONG political pressure to remove them from their positions or move them into a different organization. I'm 100% convinced that if you got rid of the chief strategists that the SAFMC would change over night.
Originally posted by natureboy

Cupka is looking more feeble and older.

He is still breathing…dang shame!


NMFS = No More Fishing Season

“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”

It does NOT matter what public servant is in power IF enough of us will stand united in peaceful support of or opposition to an issue. The bigger the issue, the more people it takes to influence the outcome. We could stop RA 17 before it even starts IF enough of us speak up NOW. We should also offer positive solutions that benefit our fisheries and preserve our freedom rather than just saying no.

At the docks and n the waterfronts there are men that show the years of salt spray in their faces and eyes, the strength of their backs and the hands showing the signs of hard work. Cupka looks like he has never worked a hard day in his life. He should not be in a position to harm those that do.

God bless the memory of Harold Owens and his boat " The Endangered One"

Please consider submitting Tom Swatzel’s letter along with a statement of support as your public comment for next week’s SAFMC meeting if you are not planning to write your own. Here is the council email address.

Originally posted by freefish7

It does NOT matter what public servant is in power IF enough of us will stand united in peaceful support of or opposition to an issue. The bigger the issue, the more people it takes to influence the outcome. We could stop RA 17 before it even starts IF enough of us speak up NOW. We should also offer positive solutions that benefit our fisheries and preserve our freedom rather than just saying no.

Positive solution = get rid of Cupka and Waugh. You are still not getting it. It DOES matter who is in place. They are influencers and manipulators who dictate when the meetings happen, who get's invited, what data will be presented and what will be thrown out. They can "guide" people in ways that they think is fit and discourage them from going down paths that they don't want explored. They always have the ears and attention of the people that matter. They have positioned themselves as "trusted advisors" in roles that have a lot of impact. They are lobbyists within the council and within our government. They make phone calls that we aren't privy to and discuss things that we will never know about behind closed doors.

If you don’t believe that the CEO and President of the SAFMC corporation have any influence and that we can sway their opinion with numbers, you are fooling yourself. There is only ONE SOLUTION. GET RID OF THEM… When the corporation fails to do it’s job, FIRE the people accountable and put a new team in place.

When you have skin cancer, it doesn’t matter how much sunscreen you put on it. You must CUT IT OFF…

Is this item on the agenda ? I looked over the agenda and could not find it…I am sure I missed it but there are way too many acronyms in there… I would like to address the specific agenda item in my email.


Yes I do remember that meeting. It was the one where Holly Binns(PEW) told me that I should take up bowling instead of fishing. Cupka and Gregg Waugh were trying to put on a face of impartiality and fairness back then at that meeting. What a sham. They really didn’t like what I had to say and through their underlings I was thoroughly chastised . The comment they really dislike is the respect statement I make at every meeting. - Its about my uncle that taught me to fish and told me that the laws were there to protect the fish. And as I released a beautiful undersized NC mountain trout I felt good about it all. But today the laws have less to do with protecting and more to do with appeasing some groups adjenda (EDF PEW and the like). Respect for the law has vanished because of the reasons.

Originally posted by skinneej

I mean, isn’t it pretty obvious? These guys said 15-20 years that MPA’s were the answer. Why are we all shocked that they are still talking about it?

natureboy, I know you remember specifically what Cupka said when the first MPA’s in Charleston were passed a handful of years ago! I remember hearing you quoting him at one of the public meetings. I think you read from an article in the post and courier or something that said that Cupka had been “waiting for 16 years for this moment [the passing of the first round of MPA’s]”. That was over 5 years ago. So we are really talking about a 20+ year vision for Cupka and Waugh. They are the cancer that needs to be removed.

Originally posted by natureboy

Respect for the law has vanished because of the reasons.

Very sad, but very true...

when is the next meeting?