MSC Constitution/By-laws revision for next meeting

Method of Amending Constitution and Bylaws

The constitution may be amended at any regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment was posted prominently on the MSC website at least two weeks prior to the regular club meeting at which a vote is to be held. A vote in favor of the amendment by 2/3 of those present is required to pass the amendment. (Active members seeking club discussion for possible bylaws or tournament rules changes are requested to notify the president prior to the meeting so that time may be allotted on the meeting agenda.)

Summary of Proposed By-Law Revision

A procedural issue was raised during the last club vote to fill a vacancy for the position of tournament director. At issue was the immediacy of the vote following the nomination when all other club votes in the by-laws allow for a period of “due consideration” when discussions of proposals and nominations can occur. The result of the election is not in question and the club followed the rules as they perceived to be correct but the language contained in the by-laws can be clarified for consistency with voting procedures established in other sections of the by-laws. Since there are no rules in the by-laws that prevent the club for asking for temporary volunteer assistance for vacant officer or committee positions, select from the two choices below to confirm whether immediacy is more or less important than ample time for the club to make informed and competent selections. Circle the original text Selection A, or the revised text in Selection B.

Article III

A</font id=“size3”> Section 4: Vacancies
In the event of an office or committee appointment becoming vacant, nominations shall be asked for and an election held to fill the unexpired term at the next regular meeting by simple majority vote.

The consideration of this amendment is postponed until further notice. Club members can call me at 803 201-8909 for more information.

Team Shad Up & Fish

If you’ve had fun catching fish on the transom bait, you are welcome…

I’ve spent about 85% of my life’s wages on fishing, the rest I just wasted…