Looking for local knowledge of Mud Bay. I am looking to run from CC Marine Complex to the North Inlet area. I’ve been studying google earth and the NOAA Chart of the area, but still want some local knowledge.
Come around the Northern End of the Marsh Islands and run into No mans friend?
Follow the channel below the Marsh Islands run into the bay and then turn into Jones?
if you aren’t familiar with it don’t do it… go outside and run to north inlet…
when you go thru the shell banks your looking for a specific bump in the tree line to run to jones creek if you come off plane you could be in trouble…
no mans friend I cant speak much on only ran it in the crab boat
but really jones creek isn’t exactly friendly either… depending on tide or what has shifted at points you may need to raise the motor just to cross a sandbar or oyster bar… best bet is honestly to run it on dead low tide with s spotter… on high tide you may miss things and get in trouble.
muddy bay itself is kinda sketch most of it is very low with only a few real areas to run to get to jones or other…
not sure what cc complex is but I assume its the new landing not ball field. depending where you are crossing the shipping channel you may want to take it slow… a few bars and structure can be hit the general rule to tell new people seems to be run to marker 19 and work your way across.
Best to run channel down to shell banks and run across Muddy Bay. When in Jones creek the best rule of thumb is to stay about 2o feet off the right going in and the left coming out. But you need to do this for the 1st time on low water. Also the 1st real bad spot is where the creek opens up. you need to make a hard left and run the bank for a couple hundred yard and then cut back all the way across to the right side again or you will be stuck on big sand bar . Good luck
Best to run channel down to shell banks and run across Muddy Bay. When in Jones creek the best rule of thumb is to stay about 2o feet off the right going in and the left coming out. But you need to do this for the 1st time on low water. Also the 1st real bad spot is where the creek opens up. you need to make a hard left and run the bank for a couple hundred yard and then cut back all the way across to the right side again or you will be stuck on big sand bar . Good luck
This is the way I do it but still not fully confident each time. The “channel” in Jones doesn’t always follow the bends and there’s some lower unit destroying oyster heads that crop up in places you might not expect. Crossing Muddy Bay, keep on plane despite your blinking depthfinder. I panicked coming back one day and learned that the hard way.
You would be correct J Lee. The biggest problem in jones though is where the small creek opens up and you have to make a hard left and then a hard right . There use to be a fire tower there years ago and it helped us locals explain how to run Jones better. We ran up on 2 men and 2 little boys on that sandbar last year, it was getting dark and the tide was still going out . Big 20-24ft offshore boat they had to wait it out and run back in the dark . We tried everything we could to pull them off with no luck.