Mud Crabs

How do you catch mud crabs? Where do they hang out? (I can already think of the smartazz answers I am going to get…:wink:) After that, tell me how to catch me some mudcrabs for bait. thanks, NaClH20



NMFS = No More Fishing Season

“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”

Dang Sells you take all the fun out of it. You should have told him to hang out at the HOT SPOT on Remount Rd and he probably pick up some. Wait, scratch that. Different kind of crab but probably have to scratch anyway. Had to do it since he was ready and you let him down by sending pm. Have fun guy’s and leave at least 1 for me to try to catch. Fish that is lol.

low tide, turn rocks over. you’ll get the hang of it pretty quick. sheep - to me - hit these better than fiddlers.

Originally posted by PeaPod

sheep - to me - hit these better than fiddlers.

prolly because they are more prevalent in a typical sheep’s environment that a chinaback…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Every board I turn over near the marsh has loads under it–even small ones. There is no shortage of them whenever it’s warm. I also have plenty in the walkable marshes near the house, but they are too fast to run down one by one. Without any special techniques, I can gather about a pint of them in about 15 minutes.

Be careful not to harvest baby stone crabs. I noticed quite a few of them under the same rocks and boards when I was collecting mud crabs at Remley’s Point a few years ago. That would be kind of a shame to use a pint of baby stones for bait. :smiley: Mud crabs are quare and fast. Stone crabs are oval and slow. Look at Paul’s picture of the mud crab.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

I meant to say, “mud crabs are SQUARE”–not “QUARE”. LOL.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

What is the best way to keep crabs? Can i just put them in a bottle in the fridge?

Glad to hear that they are not quare, as my next question was going to be “How do you tell the quare ones”?