Wondering what works best for you guys in your mud minnow traps. I have always used canned cat food and it seems to work pretty well and easy. Also heard a broken crab works well. What are yall’s thoughts?
Generally whatever you have available. Have seen traps filled to near capacity with a slice of cooked ham. Dry cat food works well too.
One Simple Thanks!!
Dry grain dog food
left over fried chicken bones! They love greasy stuff!
Yep, fried chicken is the best, for mud minnows and pinfish both.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Saw a guy use chicken necks with skin on in his minnow trap. That thing was full of minnows.
16’ Bonito 65 Johnson
Vienna sausages…spicy kind for extra lively minnows.
Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat
Save your fish cleaning scrap and put it in the freezer in a marked bag and use it next time you need to catch minners! Be sure to mark it bait, I have thawed out a bag thinking I was having dinner!
x2 on Vienna sausages. Also half a hot dog works great for me.
x2 everything everyone has posted. I had an ole salty tell me he caught his using a couple slices of Ivory soap. Never tried it but if it works…
95 1720 Key West 70Evinrude
Can of wet cat food works best for me
Smoked herring works really well
shrimp heads and dolphin row
I just use dog food because i always have it and it works
Canned tuna
Crushed blue crab
Crushed blue crab X2.
Here’s a question. Has anyone tried throwing it in the grass while fishing a spot for 30 min and had luck?