"Must Have" Grill Accessories

Y’all are going to run DF, broke with all this fancy stuff. His PITA doesn’t have the grill yet. What’s the chance she needs all that stuff? Get her a Grilling Cook Book and let her PITA learn how to make something on the grill first! She’ll learn. I’m thinking the grill is mostly for the boyfriend anyway!

“Fancy stuff?” You need to get out more, Easy.

“…be a man and PM me.”

bangstick, as Myron Mixon say’s, I’ll out cook your AZZ, using a Garbage Can Lid :smiley: You give me some meat, a stick and a fire and stand back! I’ve cooked T-bones over C-4 explosives using an ammo can lid for a griddle! I know fancy stuff[:0] Ruth’s Crist, doesn’t have anything on me, when it comes to searing a steak! C-4 burns about 2400 degrees:wink:

Just saying, if grilling utensils are “fancy,” you need to get out more.

In response to your “garbage can lid” and “C4” comments, I’ll quote Don Johnson from the movie Tin Cup when Roy (Kevin Costner) asked him if he had ever par’d the back nine with a 7 iron, “hell Roy, it never crossed my mind to try.”

I can walk from my house in Lexington down to Charleston to fish from the bank, but I’d rather drive my truck and tow my boat so I can fish from it. :wink:

“…be a man and PM me.”

Don’t get a **** brush with the bristles set in plastic. I’ve only had it about a year but I got a brush like this and it’s much better than what you can find at the store.

First, Most, Biggest

bangstick, it would have crossed your mind, if you had a 50# box of frozen T Bones that you happened to trip over in 100 degree heat and wondered how the Hell, you were going to cook them! What is the old saying, (necessity is the mother of invention):wink::wink: On that trip I also managed to trip over 120 pair of Army socks! Everyone had new sock, but not everyone got steaks!:wink: Army landing pads are great, for finding stuff! :imp:

And here I considered myself lucky because I happened into a few extra chili mac MRE’s and some payday bars while on deployment. LOL!!!

“…be a man and PM me.”

When I first got there they were feeding us old WWII and Korean War rations! We’re talking old! They finally ran out of them and gave us C-rations which were an improvement! Then towards the end of my deployment we started to see LURP rations,. These were a lot better, but they required a lot of water to rehydrate! This required Water , you carried on your back. So it was give and take. If you had lots of water you ate LURP rations if you could get them! If you happened to get on a resupply Helo pad, you went shopping for your guys!

Originally posted by sophish

Oh yeah I second the Chimney it is a wonderful thing. Couple pieces of newspaper and presto hot coals.

I started putting my chimney on the propane burner for a wee bit instead of using newspaper.
Originally posted by DFreedom I figured I'd poll the CF brain trust (not you Pea).

that hurt.

women shouldn’t be using the grill anyway. so your whole premise is flawed.

You know I love you Buddy. Come to the Oyster Roast, I’ll give you a beer!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Wait a minute, I’m trying to save you money and make sure your PITA Sister, cooks something worth eating on her BF’s new grill and you are going to buy The Pod A Beer? This is BS!

Hey, we expected you LAST year. I’ll always buy you a beer BUT you have to come. Karen said you’d better this year.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

She doesn’t need a book for that! I could show her, as long as she doesn’t look like DF! :wink:

Come on guys, I’m pretty easy going but you’re talkng about my sister.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Yep they crossed the line

Originally posted by DFreedom

Come on guys, I’m pretty easy going but you’re talkng about my sister.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I’m sorry. Really