My wife passed away

Prayers to you and your wife from my wife and I. I hope the water can bring you some measure of peace.

I feel for you and your family. Having lost my wife of 25 yrs. 2 1/2 years ago, I know just what your going through. The paperwork, the clothes and belongings. I am still trying to clear-out my house to put up for sale as I don’t need such a large place just for me. Be strong and keep busy, you still have a life to live.
Unfortunately, I haven’t had opportunity to go fishing since but hoping that will change this year.
Keep your head up and your heart happy and my sincere condolences to you and your family.

Thank you very much. You are so right about things. Every day has been taken up with paperwork, missed appointments, going through her things to donate, etc. I have very few friends and right now that’s good because I want to be left alone. Every day I tell myself I’m going to go fishing yet every day I keep putting it off. Thanks again

Handing off a lifetime’s worth of books and clothes is just a dagger in the heart. Im sorry for your loss. Try to keep your spirits up, thats what she would have wanted.

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