Navigation on Rantowles Creek to Bulow Plantation

Looking for detailed tide/navigation restrictions are any with a 3’2"draft 9’height 10’ beam single inboard going just past the high tension power lines to Bulow Plantation from the Stono on Rantowles creek.

Interested in hearing navigation details about the entrance off the Stono, under the railroad bridge, under Savannah highway and the area past the high tension wires.

Thanks for your time!


I can’t give you any actual measurements but I can give you some info from limited personal experience. The railroad trestle bridge itself may not have the height that you’re looking for at high tide. Our 17 cc just gets under it at high tide. Low tide should ok. The trestle on either side of the bridge may have the height but probably not the width. The current through there is also pretty fast at times. I’ve gone through the trestle openings with the tide and it gets a little nervy for me!
I haven’t gone under the highway 17 bridge, but they just put in a new bridge there and it seems that it should have the clearance that you need.
That’s about all I know, hope it helps some.

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first alot of water gets pushed out the that river with the tide - You would have to wait till low to go through Ive had rod tips slap the bridge at high tide. If you go right on the split and then go under 17 the the creek hooks around an island after that it gets realy shallow and open. There is or was a channel right in the middle of it that had some white poles in it going arcoss the "bay " in the back- that is one of the first places I started fishing when I got my boat I’ve poled it quite a few time I think it was an old rice field at some point. Either way it’s the first place I shined my prop up when I got caught by the outgoing water.
long of short I wouldent try it.

Key West Stealth
150 V-max

Trailer it. Put in at Bulow Landing, and pull out at Bulow Landing.
I think you could get very stuck, many times, trying your suggested path, but I have only been up to the RR bridge.
Looking at Google Maps, not real promising for that deep of a boat, especially an inboard.

Take boatfly’s advice,that mudflat will run out in front of before you know it,been there and done that.

Double D.

I live on rantowles. I’ve gotten my 16’ high tide boat almost stuck a bunch of times back there. Yes, that area between 17 and Budlow used to be rice fields and it’s shallow. You can still see the remnants of the rice fields if you look on Google Earth.

If the tide is low enough for you to get under the trestle, there likely won’t be enough water on the other side to get you to budlow. There’s a channel but it can be difficult to find if you’ve never gone through there.

You might have restrictions depending on how big your boat is putting that boat in at budlow landing too.

If you still want to try, go on the incoming tide. If you get stuck, just wait it out and you’ll be floating in a few minutes.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I agree. After you go under 17 bridge its gets really shallow headed towards bulow. I have kayaked around there many times and I barely make it sometimes. I personally would not go that way in a boat. I have even been stuck in my kayak on that mud flat not paying close enough attention to the tides. Good luck.