It’s official- closed 2019, with up to a 10 week season next year.
Care to express an opinion on this “can of worms”???
I’ve been following this to some degree.
Might you have any numbers on bycatch mortality from shrimping that are realistic???
The ENTER-NET Fisherman
Good point on the shrimping impacts. Some long time guide friends of mine have noticed a direct correlation between banner flounder years and a delayed shrimping season. There is an interesting editorial in the latest CCA Tide mag about direct impacts on red snapper in the gulf and shrimping activity as well.
1966 13’ Boston Whaler “Flatty”
2018 Sportsman Masters 207 #predatorsstriketheeye
I was thinking about posting about this myself. I was at the car wash Sunday rinsing off the boat. 4 guys come up to me and asked me about the flounder fishing in Cherry Grove.(hog inlet) Oh yeah I live in North Myrtle Beach. After chatting with them a while they explain to me they were from North Carolina and they are die hard flounder fisherman. They had just went to boulineau’s and bought out of state licenses.$35. I told them I don’t fish the marsh very often especially in the summertime. It is so can find 15 or 20 boats out there almost every day in the summer.3 or 4 lines coming from every house that’s on the marsh. You very seldom ever catch a keeper fish. I tagged 4 flounder and 2 reds one day in March. April I got my report from DNR all 6 fish were recaptured and retained. Fishing some of the back creeks off the icw and around the jetties the flounder fishing is also very poor. Maybe South Carolina needs to think about backing limit down before they just shut the door on it all together like North Carolina.
I am fragile.
Not like a flower.
But like a bomb.