if anyone has room on a nearshore trip on an upcoming weekend ill def split some costs with ya. just shoot me a pm or drop me a text at 714-1155.
thanks yall -derek
“mr keys”
if anyone has room on a nearshore trip on an upcoming weekend ill def split some costs with ya. just shoot me a pm or drop me a text at 714-1155.
thanks yall -derek
“mr keys”
Hi there. Could you go this Saturday? I’m putting a trip together now. Thanks, Capt. Little
I’ll piggyback on this as I was gonna post as well. If for some reason Mr. Derek falls throughe and dad would be interested if we aren’t coaching basketball or hunting. You can drop me a line at 843 56 eight 3two3two
Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc
Pm sent fine lines
“mr keys”