Need a crew for Friday

Regular crew can’t go, so looking for a crew. Wahoo fishing, then maybe some bottom dropping.:smiley:

35 Contender

would love to have some wahoo, but I have to be in Charlotte Thursday and Friday… Good luck!

sent you a PM

tried to pm you again…probably my bad…call me 803-479-0685 I should be avail after 4pm…thursday is good for me

Marsh, I would love to go on Friday, Call me @345-1689. I know my way around a boat and am willing to split costs and cleaning. I can’t get phone calls until after 3:30 in the afternoons because of where I work.


hey marsh id love to go to give me a shout 843 460 5640im out of summerville

25 sea ox
twin yam 150s

Looks like Thursday will be the day. Shoot me an email

35 Contender

Good luck out there Marsha and crew!!

Save some for us little guys!!:wink:

We’ll be on 68…

“Miss Amanda”
-Bluewater 2020CC
-Yammy F-150
God is GOOD!! ALL the time!!
The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.
The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything.
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