I worked Friday got also got some extra CHRISTmas $. I need to get some duck calls and decoys. Bear in mind I’ve never duck hunted before but gonna start. I know that wood ducks are the most common birds in a lot of places, but what other type calls should I get? And I also need decoys, I don’t have unlimited funds, on a 14 year old budget. Where is a good place to get equipment around here? Also what calls and decoys do I need, for what species and where to get them. Looking at like to 20$ ish calls. I heard primos has a good woodie call? Thanks! Sorry for the rubberhead is questions!
Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc
Haydel’s w-81 wood duck.
11 Bowtech Destroyer
Remington 700 30-06
In my experience: Wood ducks don’t respond to calls that well. Decoys are somewhat effective on woodies. 99% of the time they are on a mission to get where they are going. Hard to turn them. You need to be where they want to go or intercept them somewhere in the middle. Successful wood duck hunting usually results from doing your scouting homework.
Where are you planning on duck hunting? Salt marsh, cypress swamps, deep/open water? Where you hunt will really dictate what dekes and calls to buy.
Makes since DC. For now I’m planning to hunt the FMNF because of my lack of a boat. But I want to hunt the salt marshes later and even up to the lakes occasionally. I honestly do not really know what kind of species I will be encountering. I have a PDF from the SCDNR that has a short bio and pictures of the ducks so i can know what they look like and all, but i dont know what will be most likely out there in the marsh and all.
Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc
Most places you find in FMNF will predominately hold wood ducks. No real need for calls or dekes. Just go scout up some ducks and jump shoot them or intercept them when they come off of roost at first light.
You could always hunt the marshes and swamps with your kayak. I do it all the time.
In my experience almost every duck will respond to a mallard call and decoy. I would definitely start with these. They will work anywhere you want to hunt. The different conditions encountered around here make rigging the decoys a little harder but it can be done. Get the call and a good tape and start practicing. Calling a wild creature to you is one of the most fun parts of hunting I have experienced and I have been doing it for almost 50 years. The first time you start calling at ducks 400- 500 yards away and you see that lead duck look your way you will be hooked. Good luck!
Mr Hardware