Need fishing buddies everyday!!!!

Moving down Jan 6th and will be wifeless till June!!!
I don’t know one person down in Charleston, and most my buddies in Myrtle won’t make the drive every weekend.

I have a 2700 Pro-line W/A with old good running 2 strokes, that rides great, but horrible on fuel… and a 25’ Sea Pro CC with 4 strokes that will beat the he!! out of you, but great on fuel.

I am pretty much off all Jan, but don’t know what days i am off after that.

If any of you want to fish inshore, near shore, or offshore let me know.

I am pretty good fishing midshore (around 25 miles) trolling for Kings and bottom fishing.

Horrible at inshore fishing, but would love to learn

average offshore… kind of hit or miss on my boat, and not the best offshore rods, but Wahoo seem to like the Snoopy, and Barbi poles:wink:

Feel free to give me a call or text whenever 571-594-7007… or email me

Will have room for your buddies as well.

Prefer someone that can help me learn the area, and not rip my motors off… but i guess it is time to re-power anyway.
I’m not a Charter Capt, or running Charters… just throw a couple $$ on fuel, and bring beer.
If anyone has room on there boat, i’d be happy to pay my part.


48’Sea Fox
Twin Force 350 3 strokes
“Rum Runner”

Are you going to be in MI between now and Jan. 1?

I’d rather fish than eat.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

In God We Trust

Sure was Taz… just got back to NC today! Should have given me a ring buddy, weather was beautiful a last week.

48’Sea Fox
Twin Force 350 3 strokes
“Rum Runner”

We got here Monday night just before the rain and wind.

I’d rather fish than eat.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

In God We Trust

Myself and a few buddies are always looking for a ride. We do a lot of inshore fishing too. Feel free to send me an email:

I am coming to charleston this friday through monday would like to hook up and go fishing sat or sunday if your going out? If i dont hear from you on here tonight ill try calling you. I can handle the bud and 87 oct.
