My dogs act exactly like the dog in the video and have been since the middle of October. Switched feed from pride on October 19 but dogs are still not 100% either.

Butch you may have seen my post on speed dogs about me running my dogs today without them getting sick. First time this season. To all my fellow hunters in SC I will not give up the fight to hold pride accountable for what they have done to us and our dogs. Good hunting and I wish you all A Merry Christmas. I will be in touch

I had three out of five fall out within 787 yards, The one that did make the first drive/run cannot make the second one without falling out.
I have a bag of the white pride dog food. Where do we get it tested?

Butch Reeves
ButcherBoys Deer & Hog Processing LLC

Ran my dogs two days back to back, and some are still getting sick. May never get over it completely. I will be in touch.

Is Pride made in China?
Remember the troubles they caused a few years ago?
Maybe they’re back at it.
We lost our much loved Yorkie to Chink dog food.
Just say’in.

“Watch what we do, not what we say.” John Mitchell
Sea Hunt Triton 202
Yammy 150

Pride is made in Ashland Kentucky. Don’t know what they put in it or where it comes from. Got a lead on something that may be causing the problem.

Copied all the post on Charleston Fishing site and Speed dogs site and wrote down the names and numbers of all the hunters that have contacted me about Pride dog feed and gave it to my vet yesterday. She is going to send all the information to the N C State Veterinary Department. Hopefully they will look at the information and try to help us. I will be in touch as I hear anything. Have a good upcoming year.