Need help from some OLD Chalreston guys.....

These are my grandparents about 1945…can anyone identify where they are? What’s that in the background? My grandmother worked for the shipyard and my grandfather was in the USMC. I’m pretty sure it is Charleston.

Any ideas or positive IDs?

Your Grandfather looks like Thomas Ravenel.

Pee, he said it was his Grand Daddy! Grand Mom, was a hottie:wink:

Go try on some thongs! Make you feel better:wink:

23 not sure if you do Facebook or not, but there is a really good page “Charleston History Before 1945” May be a great place to ask about this photo.

That went south fast…

UTVOLS, I’m not related to the Ravenels. My grandfather was a Parker (Parker/Thornley) and my grandmother was a Moore (Moore/Rodgers). All from St Stephens, Macedonia, Moncks Corner area. Lots of moonshining in my family’s history.

If you enjoy local history, look up moonshine in Berkeley County in the 1930s…

No idea of what that is they are standing in front of? They actually met at the Woolworth’s on King Street sometime in 1945.

Cool pic! My wicked step-mother ended up with most of our family photos so…

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

That went south fast…

UTVOLS, I’m not related to the Ravenels. My grandfather was a Parker (Parker/Thornley) and my grandmother was a Moore (Moore/Rodgers). All from St Stephens, Macedonia, Moncks Corner area. Lots of moonshining in my family’s history.

If you enjoy local history, look up moonshine in Berkeley County in the 1930s…

No idea of what that is they are standing in front of? They actually met at the Woolworth’s on King Street sometime in 1945.

Cool, good luck in your search.

I’ve got boxes of old pictures from my parents, sure wish I had taken time when they were still here to go over them!

That’s gonna be tough to identify… good luck!

I’m sorry for jacking the thread. Good luck

Can’t tell what that is, in the background! Has some lettering on it but you can’t read it! Your Grand Parents were a good looking couple.

Is it a cotton wagon/tractor? The sprigs just behind them right and left look like cotton too

Originally posted by Badfish

Is it a cotton wagon/tractor? The sprigs just behind them right and left look like cotton too

Could it be a farm of some sort? Both families had strong farming ties… That does look like cotton

Originally posted by PeaPod

I’m sorry for jacking the thread. Good luck

You almost stold it.

Don’t go steeling the thread!

The picture background is pretty nondescript, I think its impossible to say where that was. Could be anywhere in the tricounty area. Not solvable IMO.

I’m going out on a limb and saying there is a tree in the background.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

And, there appears to be a doll in the lady’s right hand…


I think those are boxes of oysters in the background.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?