need pro tips from painters

My wife smoked in this house for 19 years. What are some ways to clean up this place and get ready for paint? I knw bleach and warm water works pretty good but was wondering what else I could use.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

I am not a pro but my parents smoked for years. We did a good coat of kilz primer & then paint over that. You will need to prime/paint ceilings as well to cover the smell.

My dad smoked for all my life. When he passed in '12 his '97 Silverado REEKED. I found an air freshener product at a carwash that said it would consume the smoke smell. The product smelled like butt itself and you could not stay in the vehicle (similar to how a bug bomb is set off), but when it was all done it really did consume most of the smell. A second can finished the job to the point that my wife who detests the smell more than I do doesn’t notice it any longer.
I cannot remember the exact name of the stuff, but it was a blue/white can “outzit or ouzit” something like that. Check your local auto store they probably have it. Maybe 2-3 cans per room might help reduce the smell a lot. A good professional cleaning of the carpet and any upholstery too. These two things, and coat of kilz and fresh paint did wonders in her house.

Here are some other suggestions

You gonna talk or FISH!

Originally posted by Tryin_2_FISHMORE

My dad smoked for all my life. When he passed in '12 his '97 Silverado REEKED. I found an air freshener product at a carwash that said it would consume the smoke smell. The product smelled like butt itself and you could not stay in the vehicle (similar to how a bug bomb is set off), but when it was all done it really did consume most of the smell. A second can finished the job to the point that my wife who detests the smell more than I do doesn’t notice it any longer.
I cannot remember the exact name of the stuff, but it was a blue/white can “outzit or ouzit” something like that. Check your local auto store they probably have it. Maybe 2-3 cans per room might help reduce the smell a lot. A good professional cleaning of the carpet and any upholstery too. These two things, and coat of kilz and fresh paint did wonders in her house.

Here are some other suggestions

You gonna talk or FISH!

Ozium? Good stuff, good to use in the house too…don’t breath the stuff. Auto supply section of box stores

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

2007 Grady White 222 Fisherman / 250 Yamaha
Simrad NSS evo2 and G4
1- 23 boy that won’t move out)
1 - 19 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


Thanks! I know there is probably an odor but I can’t smell it. Mainly want to get rid of this dingy look in the house. You can look around and see spots where I took a wet sponge and cleaned some trying to prove to her what was happening. Lots of luck with that.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Murphy Oil soap and hot water with a sponge mop - kilz primer - paint

J Ford

is divorcing her off the table?

Unfortunately peapod she was taken from us on March fifth. She is now with her parents looking down on us and wondering if I’m gonna pull through.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

I fought the cig. smell and stains until a friend suggested a product called Oder Ban . It cleans stains and kills the odor as it cleans…Can be found at Janitorial supply stores…Really hated to hear of your wifes passing …

George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I’m sorry coot. I was outta bounds

Naw you’re good Pea. You didn’t know and all’s good. I tried to get rid of her once but she ended up having a heart attack and wound up with triple bypass. I had to stay and take care of her because no one else would. We had been together for 34 years.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

I’m sorry for your loss, went through the same thing when my mother died a couple of years ago. I wanted to rent or sell her house, whichever happened first. But she smoked in the hours for 20 years and we lost a lot of potential buyers as soon as they came in the door. After about 6 months with no success, I searched and bought an Ozone Generator that I ran in the house for a week. They can run anywhere from $100-$3000, so be careful what you get. The one I got was about $600 and after a week in the house, the house sold the very next showing. So I’m a big fan of these. Hope this helps.

Thanks Manamana, I’m not gonna sell or rent. Technically I’m committed to this house for the next 20 years. That’s a situation all in itself. However I’m gonna be cleaning it up and pulling out the carpet from the living room and hallway. Also have some 20 year old furniture that’s going out. Being on the budget I have I’ve got to try this with as little expense as possible.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson