Can anyone recommend a deephole net. I’ve got a betts but it’s not that great. Thanks.
If it fly's, floats, or, friggs, rent it!
Can anyone recommend a deephole net. I’ve got a betts but it’s not that great. Thanks.
Fitec for deep hole.
I had a fitec for 5 years and wore it out.
Got a betts last year when I couldn’t find a fitec anywhere. Betts is easy to throw but simply doesn’t catch shrimp as well. I feel like the betts net material is too light. Edges hit bottom but maybe not the center.
Found a fitec this year and really think I can already see an improvement. With the betts, pancakes were easy but I just didn’t catch as many shrimp as those around me.
1 lb per ft or 1.5 lb per ft is your preference.
1.5 sinks faster which helps in current but it will wear you out.
Good luck.
I love my Tim Wade cast net. I called him direct last year (2020) and ordered a custom 10’ net with a slightly shorter (30’) lead line so I could throw over bait as well. The lead line is slightly stiffer so it coils easily and does not tangle or knot. I can always add a length of line if I need to get down deep. I threw it 40 times this weekend and I don’t remember a single problem. Dump-Load-throw. I looked long and hard for a phone number when I finally decided to call. He answered the phone, and every question I could think of, when I called. 321-508-2836. I caught a large stingray on my first trip out with the new net and ended with multiple large tears. Of course no warranty but he did talk me through mending the net which worked all through the season. I will buy another one when this one wears out.
I have 2 Fitec 10 footer and one Tim Wade 10 footer. All are great nets but I find myself throwing the Fitec nets 80% of the time.
I have a tim wade for mullet and manhaden.
It’s a great net.
Didn’t realize he makes a deep hole.
He can take several weeks to make a net but it’s truly custom.
What type of weights? What type of rope? Are his starting questions.
I’ve had plenty of 50-100 shrimp throws with a fitec.
Never got more than 25 in the betts.
A Tim wade maybe better than the fitec but doubt that you will get one this year.
I always heard you can’t go wrong with a Tim Wade net. Can’t wait to try out my new one in a couple of weeks!
Love my Fitec…
Nice sunset pancake.
Is that you???
Gots to be you…I think Fritz is a little thicker around the waist.
sure wish I could throw a pancake with a 10 footer. I’d be lucky to get a taco. I can do a 6 footer fine (even in heavy chop), but any bigger and it’s a hit or miss with me getting it to open fully. And it’s not from lack of practice… Dad had me throwing off the picnic table many times in the hopes I’d be his thrower instead of driver. guess I just suck at big net throwing.
Fred, this is pretty much my technique. This works well for up to a 10 footer. Fast load, few tacos. However, this technique doesn’t work as well for less than 8 footers.