Never heard this before

My wife was reading a book. She reads a lot a few books a week.
1 of the characters in the book died.
Autopsy revealed a tick bite. Turned out to be a lone star tick. In about 3 days of becoming sick she died.
Her taking birth control pills is what contributed to her death.
The binder that holds to birth control pill together is made out of a gelatin made out of beef products.

Never heard of a lone Star tick before, much less it’s bit can cause you to become allergic to meat.
Boy that would really sock.
The wife showed me a lot better article then this 1 . But I can’t find it.

Alpha-gal Syndrome | Ticks | CDC.


Has she read anything about bio weaponization of ticks with Lyme disease out of Ft Dietrich?

Gain of function for gain of money made Fauci and Gates filthy rich

Some scary stuff out there. Making more scary stuff in labs and then not exercising proper control over it is even more scary.

You’re so full of crap, your eyes are brown. Why are you so obsessed with conspiracy theories? Is that your entertainment Bruh?

The book that Rep. Smith references is Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons, which attempts to link Lyme disease to biological weapons. The author of the book bases her claims on an interview with Willy Burgdorfer, PhD, the researcher who first identified the bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, that causes Lyme disease in 1981. Within this interview, she loosely claims that he suggests Lyme disease might have originated as a biological weapon.

Unfortunately, Burgdorfer was interviewed in the last period of his life, while he was suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Although he was a well-respected investigator who had extensive knowledge of Lyme disease and the ticks that transmit the disease, the merit of this interview is highly debatable. The book does not provide any additional solid evidence, or even circumstantial evidence, linking Lyme disease to biological warfare.

Indeed, as Koblentz points out, Bitten does not try to explain how the United States could have studied Borrelia burgdorferi for the purpose of developing a biological weapon since the pathogen was not identified until 1981, 12 years after the program ended. Bitten also completely ignores the fact that genetic testing of Borrelia burgdorferi has demonstrated that Lyme disease has actually been around and circulating in forests in North America for at least 60,000 years.

Secondly, the theories within the book that triggered this investigation have varied from hypothesizing that Lyme disease was accidentally released from a government lab or the result of the intentional testing of biological weapons, to the theory that the agent was stolen from American scientists or the result of a Soviet biological weapons attack. Not one of those notions quite seems to stick, but that doesn’t appear to deter the author.

The issue though, lies more in that it has been widely known that Plum Island has been a source for researching animal diseases, both during the offensive (pre-1969) and defensive periods of American bio-research. There are documented tick colonies within the research labs of Plum Island, just as other vectors were likely a component of the work on animal infectious diseases. But that’s where the truth tends to stop. Security measures are tight and biosafety is taken seriously at the facility. Moreover, one has to question, if building a biological weapon, why would Borrelia burgdorferi be considered an attractive agent given the long incubation period of Lyme disease, the relatively mild symptoms in the majority of cases, and the availability of antibiotics to treat the disease? Especially in light of the agents developed by previous biological warfare programs—such as anthrax, plague, smallpox, tularemia, and Marburg—Lyme disease, in the words of Koblentz, “would be the least attractive type of disease to weaponize.”

Lastly, it’s important to note that the Smith Amendment does not call on investigations into Lyme disease specifically, but rather focuses on whether the DoD conducted any offensive bioweapons work with vectors, such as ticks. Although Koblentz is in favor of the DoD providing a deeper history of its past bioweapon research activities, including that involving ticks and insects, he expressed skepticism that it would shed any additional light on the origins of Lyme disease: “For some reason some people want to blame public health problems they don’t understand on grandiose government conspiracies instead of acknowledging the fact that our society is creating these problems due to urbanization, climate change, and disruption of ecosystems.”

The sky is falling, the sky is falling. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

We sure would like to here your answer to your question, since you got gut hooked to your lower bowels about far left wing conspiracies about BLM, Antifa peaceful protests, Russia collusion, Trump’s tax cheating, Stormy Daniels, Trump trying to steer a car from secret service driver, hookers peeing in Obama’s bed, Trump stealing nuclear codes and top secret documents, masks stopping covid19, vaccines stopping covid19, covid19 came from a wet market, everything you told us was a lie

Congress passed a law to stop DOD from creating bio weapons ticks

How’s your heart ticking with your warped speed covid19 vaccine and all your boosters

They found another stash of top secret documents that your boy stole from Obama’s whitehouse what you think should happen to him now?

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Hey Polly, you remember when you posted about some of the barrier Islands and surrounding areas with trees dying from salt water intrusion and saying it was global warming… lol. Just a natural event of living on and near the coast Bro.

You should really open your eyes on some of the stuff Bay posts. Not conspiracy when it is proven true. I know it hurts your feelings to be wrong, but wrong you are. No big deal if you accept it and move on to help this country get over the lies. Please do.

Eyes are open Bruh, and what I see is bovine fecal matter spewing from Bayrider. Not sure what the obsession is with spreading false crap, maybe to get attention? Maybe to distract from the actual truth.

Follow him and lap up his crap , pat him on the head as usual, and say good boy.

For the record, Lyme disease bacteria was found on a 5,300 year old mummy, following an autopsy. Source provided by DuckDuckGo.

Furthermore, the book Falserider posts about, doesn’t even link Lyme disease to biological warfare.

Indeed, as Koblentz points out, Bitten does not try to explain how the United States could have studied Borrelia burgdorferi for the purpose of developing a biological weapon since the pathogen was not identified until 1981, 12 years after the program ended. Bitten also completely ignores the fact that genetic testing of Borrelia burgdorferi has demonstrated that Lyme disease has actually been around and circulating in forests in North America for at least 60,000 years.

Falserider,Bayrider, Yankee transplant, whoever or whatever you are, good try, but you’re full of crap. You’re as believable as Alex Jones.

Fred, you’re the one that needs to open your eyes! Lapping up his BS, makes you look like a fool too!

I was wondering if you were still alive @Bolbie
Did you go get examined for myocarditis?
Following people that provide you with falsehoods can be deadly

Thanks for pointing that out

Your government would never lie to you. Especially ones like Hillary that accepted your campaign donations

Right wing propaganda running rampant here. Conspiracy theories lies and misinformation.

My eyes are wide open Brother. You pick this one instance to go after Bay, but refuse to answer why you support a man that Showered on numerous occasions with his daughter and by her own accorded stated that this is what caused her to be a sexual deviant? This statement was also approved as true by the FBI. How about them Top secret documents wide open to the rest of the world that he stole from the White House? How about all the drugs and thugs coming undocumented across our border? What about the 60 people that the FBI has in custody after crossing the border that were on the National terrorist list? If they caught that many how many made it unchecked to set up sleeper cells in our country. That’s not conspiracy, that’s common sense thinking it through. Yes sir, my eyes are open, time for you to open yours.

I can’t argue on the lyme don’t know much of anything about it other than I hate ticks. Got to remember this whole corona thing was a Natural virus until Fauci and friends turned it into a biological agent of death.

Bob thinks a grown man showering with his 12 year old and by her own admission turned her into a sexual deviant is a good thing. Me?! I think it is an issue that can be resolved with Sudden Dementia Death. BOB also thinks that our open borders allowing all manner of thugs to come into America is a good thing?! Just a reminder, 60 terrorists on America’s most wanted list have been captured crossing the border… How many more have made it across? 20,000# of fentanyl have been confiscated (+ marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc… } and old BOB thinks this is laughable. Bob you are a POS To remotely disregard these truths. FJB and Fbob and the rest of the Trolls seeking to justify Joe Biden.

Well there is the smartest man on CF. 4 degrees with a 4.7 out of 5.0 GPA. Hell he can’t even spell “SIGHT”. Then want to whine and cry about someone else



cry·​ba·​by ˈkrī-ˌbā-bē

: one who cries or complains easily or often.