New Firefly Vodkas

Has anyone tryied Firefly’s new vodka… I stop’d in the noticed new bottles in mint, raspberry, and lemon I believe.
The guy told me that he can’t keep the mint in stock, it’s suppose to be pretty good.

we went to the firefly’s new flavor debut and tasting a couple of weeks ago

they had peach, lemon, rasberry, and mint vodkas. peach and rasberry were OOC, lemon was ok, and i didnt care for mint at all.

it was cool thing as they had drinks made with each new flavor, shots of them, and had also prepared dishes with each flavor. it was a fun time

have you also noticed there are 2-3 other companies producing “tea-infused vodkas”?

And the sea shall grant each man new hope as sleep brings dreams of home ~ Don Cristobol

The Morris Island Lighthouse web page

Jim just received his permits to distill on Wadlamaw as opposed to doing it out of State.

Better be careful with those things. I am a whiskey drinker but I bought a bottle just to support local economics.( that’s what I told the wife anyhow) I mixed it with some lemon juice and a splash of water. I had a few while I was doing Saturday afternoon chores. After about 4 I told the wife we had to hurry up and eat 'cause I’m about doodoo faced. Strange, I can dring brown liquor till the cows come home but that vodka and wine make me feel like the quickest drunk ever. Iam going to a party sponsored by someone with Firefly Sat. night. DOODOO here i come again.

yea, that chit is the new tequila for me…10’ tall and bullet-proof!

And the sea shall grant each man new hope as sleep brings dreams of home ~ Don Cristobol

The Morris Island Lighthouse web page

I tried this stuff(original) for the first time this weekend and hory clap bratman. Talk about smooth and easy. This schitt is awsome but it will knock your weenie into your watch-pocket if you ain’t careful. Little lemon and firefly over the rocks and you think you got regular sweet tea.

Mako 262 Twin Yammaha F200s
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

firefly is the new - “Over 40 Date Rape Drug”



I hit the Peach at a function Sat. night and it was better than the tea IMO. I could come up with some good drinks with that and some of my kids juices.

Carolina Sweet and Jerimiah Weed… they all taste the same, but Firefly’s Rasberry is awesome stuff

“Now, whoever has courage and a strong collected spirit in his breast, let him come forward, lace on the gloves and put up his hands.”-Virgil.

Originally posted by Pullin Guard

Better be careful with those things. I am a whiskey drinker but I bought a bottle just to support local economics.( that’s what I told the wife anyhow) I mixed it with some lemon juice and a splash of water. I had a few while I was doing Saturday afternoon chores. After about 4 I told the wife we had to hurry up and eat 'cause I’m about doodoo faced. Strange, I can dring brown liquor till the cows come home but that vodka and wine make me feel like the quickest drunk ever. Iam going to a party sponsored by someone with Firefly Sat. night. DOODOO here i come again.

:smiley: lmao! i did the same thing with my first “tasting” we will call it. i was having lunch at pj’s in west ash and asked the bartender why she was hungover…big effin mistake…she gave me a shot to start, tasty of course, and then a drink with the crazy juice…before i got my food, which was like 10 mins, i was buzzed heavily. i can drink crown royal all night, but i dont f*** with the firefly anymore. the stuff is too good for me, and i find it hard to put down.:stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

2007 197 sea fox
suzuki 140

That stuff grew on me, now its replaced Jack Daniels completely in my Liquor cabinet. Firefly on the rocks!

I finally tried this stuff. Not my cup of “tea”. Tastes like a chick drink. Give me back my whiskey. Although I am glad that a local business is doing well for it.

while firefly doesn’t make hair grow out of your fingernails, it’s still one of my favorite liquors available now. 1 handle of firely and one bottle of simply lemonade makes some sweet rockville libations

i hung over the toilet one night after this stuff it was too good but like yall said one after the other it will mess u up pretty bad

Lance Munn

Originally posted by Deerhunterlm5

i hung over the toilet one night after this stuff it was too good but like yall said one after the other it will mess u up pretty bad

Lance Munn

That’s funny stuff right there…kinda like PJ of days gone by …too smooth…will mess you up :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

I drank the original sweet tea vodka for an entire week while on vacation in the mountains. Cant really drink it anymore! I can have a drink every now and then…but it starts tasting too sweet after a while. That stuff gives you a tummy ache and a horrible hangover! I still think its brilliant!!!:smiley:

love this stuff as well but it doesnt do me toobad!!! dont get ****faced like i do with other brands and dont experience too bad of a hangover, and trust me i have drank it all nite on may occassions