New Format??

What’s with the new format, did I miss the memo?

Got it, thanks. I hate change.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

[quote]Got it, thanks. I hate change.

Me too!

I hear ya. We did not really want to change, but the program we were using was really old and not really supported anymore so if we ran in to a problem, it could have left us down indefinitely. We also had many people say that they wanted a better view on their mobile device and the old forum did not have any mobile applications. I hope over time we can work on this format and get it closer to what we had in place. Things are being tweaked here and there in the background to try and smooth things out a little and make this program better for what we do.

Thanks for the clarification, Andy.

Can you bring back rectangular avatars?

No worries Andy, it will take more than a format change to keep me away. I really appreciate this site and all you do!

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

What Dfree said Andy!

No issues on the PC, but it took a bit for me to get to the sight on my phone and it seems very sensitive to opening areas not wanted while scrolling…

This is not intended to be critical, just a problem that I have run Into.

Seems like there was a comment regarding making the format more user friendly to phone users. I personally did not have any issue with the forum with my phone.

I do though, seem to have a lot of issues with the new format. While scrolling through the main Page selecting the different sections, I tend to click on user profiles or something taking me to screens that I did not mean to click on. Very frustrating.
The new format is also hard to navigate through. Seems to be jumbled. Not sure if the fonts need to be different size or what.

I do not have any experience building web pages or any sort of thing like this, so take this for what it’s worth. Just what I have run across.

18' Hewes Bayfisher

Can we band 23sailfish with the changeover?

Why are people’s stars different colors?

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

So after deleting the cookies on my iPhone I can get the forum to pull up but nothing I do on my windows pc works…using chrome. I haven’t tried any other browser yet.

_______________ Key West 186 DC


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

I’m not so lucky. At least not with Google Chrome. Nothing I do seems to get it to work with Chrome. I did however get microsoft edge to pull up the new forum but I really don’t like that browser.

_______________ Key West 186 DC
_______________ Key West 186 DC

Time to call in the nerd squad,they ain’t much help changing out an alternator but they sure can figure out computer problems.haha

Also the “active topics” doesn’t seem to working either? When I click on it, it always comes up as a blank page showing no active topics but if you look at the forum stats you can see people with recent post since my last visit. I hope they figure it out.

_______________ Key West 186 DC

I am not sure about the google chrome issue. I am an chrome and have had no issue getting on. The active topics I did find if you set a parameter in the first drop down like last 12 hours of whatever you like it will show you the topics from that last period. Also if you click the little thing that looks like two boxes on the active topic page it will categorize them for you like the old forum had them laid out.

For the active topics, yes, I can set it to see stuff that’s new in the last few hours but I usually keep it set on “active since last visit” and that’s not working. As far as Google Chrome…this is the message I receive

An error has occurred. Please contact the system administrator.
Controller: Home
Action: Index
Exception: Security_NoUserFound
Return to Forum

_______________ Key West 186 DC

Got ya. I have forwarded on to your webmaster. Thank you all for ■■■■■■■■ and we will work on things as they are identified. someone mentioned the sensitivity of the screen when on a mobile device and we are working to see if that can be remedied as well.