I’ve recently moved to SC and checking out the WMA’s . In particular
Lewis Ocean Bay,
Deer hunters must sign in and out daily and record harvest at the kiosk ??? Went yesterday and WOW something like 9000 acres with ONE place to check in/out of !!! The only way to get to that kiosk was by 90 to international drive , On the way in I find a officer that said there were no sign in sheets , there on order ???
Want to go on Monday with smoke pole you think I should , without the sign in sheets ??? The officer wasn’t to helpful , but I didn’t expect
him to tell me to just go hunt anyway
no i dont think you should go back and yell at the DNR officer. terrible idea.
Where does it say he is going to yell at someone? If its open for hunting I would roll right on in there. Bring some blank sheets of paper and sign in. It’s not your problem if the regular sheets to sign in on aren’t available. If buck hall is out of envelopes to put $5 in I would write my name and license plate number on a piece of paper and put it in the box, surely wouldn’t just go home.
08 Bowtech Tribute
11 Bowtech Destroyer
Remington 700 30-06
Yeah I’m not yelling at anybody , especially a officer [:0]
I’m going for it tomorrow , it will be good just to get into the woods .
I’ll do that Salty , is that all they want ?? name and license plate ?
Never dealt with a kiosk before .
I don’t know what hey want there, I was just using buck hall as an example. They should have some sort of directions at the kiosk as to what they want.
08 Bowtech Tribute
11 Bowtech Destroyer
Remington 700 30-06
Thanks for the reply , I’ll check it out in the morning
Call Mrs. Deanna Ruth at 843-546-3226 ext 13 and ask her, that is her site.
Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
You are the offspring of 5 monkeys having But Secs with a retarded fish squirrel. CONGRADULATION!!!
As a matter of fact she just called me and said that there is a pad of paper at the kiosk. She even forgot to bring some of the signin sheet with her today. She told me that they would be out there tomorrow.
Good Luck.
Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
You are the offspring of 5 monkeys having But Secs with a retarded fish squirrel. CONGRADULATION!!!
There was a a pad for name , in/out . It was great to be out there today
but boy was it warm !!! I did alot of walking around to get a better idea of the lay of the land . The most sign I saw was along the power lines (tracks), but not seeing much of a food source at least where I was . Much different than the northeastern woods .
It would be nice to be-able to check in/out on-line and also to record harvest , maybe in the future
And thanks for the welcome and replies .
there is another wma on hwy 905. you may like it better. it has hogs also
Hey Roadie,
I have a trail camera shot from two weeks ago of a monster buck at LOB. Get off the road. There are some big bucks there and lots of bears!
Again to all that replied a big THANKS !!!
I appreciate you sharing info with me .
I know they say there is no dumb questions but I
think I’ve got one
I have my state Hunting lic.
I have my WMA permit
Are there no TAGS for deer hunting ??? If I go to Ocean Lewis
I have to check out and record harvest.
If I go to the WMA on 905 Waccamaw there is no check in/out ???
I’m a little confused , like the either sex days , I’m a meat hunter.
but do I need any other permit / tags to take a doe .
To me part of the hunt is to relax and enjoy , I don’t want to break ANY
ps. would love to down a HOG
I agree it gets a bit confusing, but there are certain “Anterless Deer” seasons within the overall season as defined in each games zone 1-6. On designated Anterless deer days (Doe Days) you may harvest any deer. If not on a designated Anterless deer day, you may harvest any dear IF you have a tag and IF you are in the designated “Anterless” Season designated in your game zone.
Anyone, please correct me if this is not accurate.