New take on Dinosaur extinction

Drinking coffee and surfing Youtube and generally just wasting the morning away (after I did take the dogs for a long walk)…

   We now have proof that during the Dinosaurs Earth had 50% more oxygen and an estimated 10X higher CO2 level from ancient core samples!   A Dinosaur could not live in today's atmosphere, A modern Horse has more lung and nasal capacity than a Brontosaurus did!   As co2 levels plummeted plant life did too and correspondingly so did oxygen levels.  

We are so worried about Co2 levels rising because of climate alarmists and false Prophets of it. We may need to worry about the lack of Co2 and plummeting oxygen levels. We know for a fact that Mt. St. Helena released more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than the entire existence of humans during the industrial revolution. We also know that volcanic activity has drastically reduced over the last 200 years… Maybe we as humans need to help nature by increasing c02 levels so we can fully come out of this last Ice Age and see Antarctica a lush forest again!

It sure would be neat to have a time machine and actually know first hand.     I'd travel forward and come back with winning lottery numbers... or go back with them and put the money in Winning stocks!    Dream on right?  

While I believe mankind has “some” impact on the planet, I more so believe that mother nature makes “adjustments” and things are cyclical. We could do far better with polluting, etc. but, some things are just out of our hands.

Only my opinion , but after much time at sea, crossing oceans and fishing it’s so obviously clear to me that our planet should be called water instead of earth. The vastness of the oceans is difficult for many to understand ! Add to that the vast polar regions that are practically devoid of life . when I look at the USA map the vast majority of humans live along either coast.

As I said It’s only my opinion but what humans do on the small portion of our world we inhabit is comparable to a fly on an elephants butt

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No doubt Natureboy, our oceans are vast and very deep in many areas. 71% is a lot.

Just read an article where scientists say they have discovered an ocean under the earth’s crust that contains more water than we have on the surface.

I can see it now in 50 years after we have been siphoning the water out. “Scientists say earth will collapse due to water siphoning”.

Y’alls chat reminded me of this…

All the water on Earth… enough to cover 71% of Earth’s surface to an average depth of more than 2 miles.

Perception always makes a difference. Pretty wild when you really think about it.