New to deer hunting, need help

Hey everyone, I am wanting to start my first deer hunting season. I have a sportsman hunting license. Last year i hunted with a friend on private land for duck, turkey, geese. I don’t know how to get into deer hunting, private land, public, hunt club? I would only be hunting to put meat in the freezer for the wife and i. I live in the low country and could travel a bit. Any recommendations for me. I have a 308 rifle already. Any suggestions would help me a bunch.

Welcome to the CF forum! Unless you have lots of discretionary $, you might want to forget joining a hunt club. If your private land owner has turkeys on his land, I feel certain that deer will be there as well. Get yourself a climbing stand and go for it.


I no longer am using my friends private land

Address: 217 Fort Johnson Rd, Charleston, SC 29412
Phone: (843) 953-9301
They’ll be happy to get you aimed in the right direction.

Find a mentor to take you and show you the ropes. I’m going to be blunt when I say this, nothing scares me worse than the thought of an inexperienced newbie in the woods with a high powered rifle or any gun for that matter. There is a lot more to it than sitting in a tree with your gun.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Originally posted by saltydog235

Find a mentor to take you and show you the ropes. I’m going to be blunt when I say this, nothing scares me worse than the thought of an inexperienced newbie in the woods with a high powered rifle or any gun for that matter. There is a lot more to it than sitting in a tree with your gun

This is why I do not hunt public land

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
Will Rogers