Never winter freshwater fished before. Want something to fish for during high tide weekends. What are the bass, crappie, catfish, and bream doing in the winter? Best ways to fish for them? Thanks yall!
Hunter P. Hames
11’ Tarpon 100
19’ Sea Fox 125 merc
im prolly gonna try bushy park freshwater side with a canoe just for fun and see how it goes. back home winter fishing means cutting a hole through the ice or standing in a barely above freezing river for steelhead, but here id imagine just work the bait nice and slow and stick to cover as always.
Catfish are probably deep down by the locks in moultrie. Crappie will be down around brush, maybe 20-30’ range. Work some trick worms on light tackle for bass, that’s what always works for me. Bream always love crickets and beetle spins.
Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole
during the warm days i took the yak out on a pond and got a few bass working on the edge and in between the lily pads. light weighted worm hook with a red/blue sparkle worm and bounce it SLOW on the bottom.