MY name is Jon I just drove down from NY on fumes. I am looking for work out on the water, and I want to learn and enjoy the waters out here in the Charleston area. I am available anytime and any day. I have money for bait and gas I just need a ride out there. I have experience fishing up in NY. Please contact me through this web site or call me at 1-516-761-7444
Welcome, tell us what kind on fishing you did up there?
Looks like you are a Long Island boy.
Dark Star
Yeah Long Island. I have fished all my life. Hey I lived on a island mostly saltwater. I fished for striped bass drifting live bait over schools, top water plugging along the marsh banks (my favorite) Bottom drifting for fluke in the inlet. Most days I could not get outside in my 19’ skiff. When I could I would hit the wrecks pull up some sea bass, cod, ling. I did a lot of trolling on friends bigger boats for blue fin. We would also shark a lot looking for mr. mako last week before I come down we got 100lb blue shark. I got some skills and I know I would be a help to any skipper.
I’m still looking