Next dinner

I am ready!!!Gilligans has a big room???

I have a feeling Gilligan’s does not serve local seafood…if I am wrong then I would consider it…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I’m up for anything…Bonzo, have you tried Edmund’s Oast yet?

It may change your beer choice.s…

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I’m up for anything…Bonzo, have you tried Edmund’s Oast yet?

It may change your beer choice.s…

we’ve had a beer and a snack there…this one’s got my name all over it:

Evil Twin Bozo Beer

3 liter (way huge), 17.2% ABV

anybody else on the board associated or affiliated with another local establishment? we could always go back to see Michael at Bessinger’s, Brian at Fleet or Chris at The Glass Onion…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Certainly not Edmunds Oast level but DIG in the Park - Park Circle is not bad. With good weather, it has great outdoor seating.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Andy is the chef at Edmonds Oast. He is actually the one who got me to start posting on this sight.

Karma is 360 degrees

Some got to win, some got to lose…

Originally posted by jipride

Andy is the chef at Edmonds Oast. He is actually the one who got me to start posting on this sight.

Chris, what’s his username on here? I will contact him…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I thought your name was Bonzo?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Bessingers works for me and is close.


Originally posted by DFreedom

I thought your name was Bonzo?

not according to some people on here (peapod)</font id=“size1”> :face_with_head_bandage:

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I vote for Bessinger’s…

The first rule of fight club is…

Edmund’s Oast is great, should try it.

Wherever we go let’s make sure we can sit together and that there is convenient parking.

22 Sea Hunt

Originally posted by marshgrass

Wherever we go let’s make sure we can sit together and that there is convenient parking.

22 Sea Hunt

Sounds like another vote for Bessingers!!!:smiley::sunglasses::smiley::stuck_out_tongue::kissing_closed_eyes:

The first rule of fight club is…

D.D. Peckers on savannah highway…good food , good service…lots of seating . not a fancy smancy place …but a good place we could get together at AND sit together :slight_smile: Shannon who works there could probably set us up…esp if we do it during the week. Marsha ate there with us this week and she will tell you its good food. just a suggestion…

and they have additional parking in the shopping lot behind them if needed

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Isn’t DD Peckers a biker bar?

The first rule of fight club is…

Originally posted by penfishn

D.D. Peckers on savannah highway…good food , good service…lots of seating

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

Bonzo could go for some wings and cold beer :smiley:

The Morris Island Lighthouse



Originally posted by Bonzo72

Bonzo could go for some wings and cold beer :smiley:

We all know what you really meant. :smiley:

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by Bonzo72

Bonzo could go for some wings and cold beer :smiley:

We</font id=“size4”> all know</font id=“size4”> what you</font id=“size4”> rea</font id=“size4”>llyre</font id=“size4”> mean</font id=“size4”>t. :smiley:

The Morris Island Lighthouse