Are they groupin up yet? Are they not feedin on cut mullet? In back creeks or main waters? Been havin some very unproductive days. Any help would be great. Thanks!
My experience in NI during the winter, is that if you pop your nose into enough feeder creeks you’re going to find a school. Making them eat can be a different story if you have not had the opportunity to pattern them yet. I hope to make the run here in a few weeks myself, and I plan to take shrimp, blue crab, fiddlers, mudders and then catch some mullet for cut-bait. I’ve watched them swim right over one to go after the next type of bait. Good luck out there
thanks breyn,
will try to be as prepared as possible and on the lookout for them schools.
Fished for an hour this morning. Caught 4 redfish and a nice black drum. Left the school biting. This morning was just a scouting mission, taking 5 year old daughter in the morning and just wanted to verify where the schools were. They are in their normal spots.
“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson
Saying they are in their “normal spots” means little if they don’t already know where the normal cold weather spots are.
Dress that little girl warmly and put her on em.
A wise man told me if you catch a fish or get a hit in the winter, work the area, there are more than one fish there.
Amv, work alot of ground, I throw a grub with a mud minnow on it. Fish points and area around creek mouths as Breyn suggested.
“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson
The westerly wind and extream tides has moved a lot of fish from there “normal” areas
Put 5 redfish in the boat this morning. Was hoping for a more productive morning, but we did good considering we had 2 5 year olds in the boat, stomping, singing, throwing stuff in the water. They had a great time though and had 2 people catch their first redfish this morning. Bout to head back out and see what the afternoon has instore.
Caught 14 this afternoon. All around oysters bars near deeper water in secondary creeks.
“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson
Great stuff, much appreciate it. will be out there tomorrow, pending hangover severity…
happy new year to all.