Went out Saturday morning for a few hours. Glad I woke up, left from the 41 bridge and ran down the Wando with thoughts of fishing the jetties. Did not get quite that far but picked up a flounder and a nice trout in the harbor. Stopped north of the 526 bridge in a creek on the way back and picked up another nice flounder. All were released. All caught on 3/16" EyeStrike jigs and Z-Man. harbor fish on pearl and the creek on a 4" redfish toad cause I broke the pearl one off and that was what was rigged on the other rod. Was casting out against the tide and letting the bait get pushed back to me. Figured that was more natural than reeling against. Out at 6:20 back at 8:45. BTW how the heck to rotate the images?
Sounds like a good day on the water.
I think you will have to rotate them in another program, like “Paint” & save before posting on CFF.
Like hearing about a flounder catch
“Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education”
18’ CC SeaFox
Alright, good stuff and thanks for the report! Welcome to the site.
Fishing Nerd
“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”