No fun if you don't take the Youngen!!!

Pretty much expected to get up early to be fishing solo at daylight and then after viewing the tide table I saw bump this, this ol’ boy is gonna sleep in. Woke up and asked my youngens did they want to go fish and only got one yes reply back while the youngest said no thank you. Got the boat hooked up and headed out to the jetties. Found the BSB were hungry as well as the reds. Missed a couple huge fish but you cant measure them if you dont land them. Told my youngen high tide will be soon so off to go chase some tails. Found several fish but they didn’t take the bait. Moved on and found some trout which really loved mud miners. Had a boat go ahead of us beating the bank with arties with no luck, and they were shocked that my youngen started putting the trout on deck through an area they had just fished :slight_smile: Wish I had the Jimmy Houston theme song playing on a megaphone when this girl shows up to the marsh line…priceless!!!