No more Fried Pork Chops....

Good wake up call Fred! You now know what you have to change. Stick around friend we like you! :smiley:

Glad to hear you’re ok.

At 64, I’m finally trying to make some changes. I haven’t had a cigarette since Feb. 1st and also trying to change my eating habits.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Happy to hear you will be okay. As I get older, I find I dislike having to face what comes with aging. Might have to start grilling those pork chops. Take care.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by Happy Bob

Glad to hear you’re ok.

At 64, I’m finally trying to make some changes. I haven’t had a cigarette since Feb. 1st and also trying to change my eating habits.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Good call Bob, Evidently smoking and Heart disease goes hand in hand. I was asked many separate times if I was a smoker. I smoked from 19-26ish. If you’ve made it since February you are on a good path to not start again. You’ll probably have cravings the rest of your life, I still smell a smoke and want one. Stay strong on it!

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Thanks a million for all the kind words from everyone!!

Wife has already started on the diet, crazy how much I have found that I like salt on EVERYTHING. Wife and daughter have been watching me like a hawk. Found that Mrs Dash has a variety of flavors… but no salt in it. :roll_eyes:

Wife has always cooked good, it’s been me that sneaks in the hamburgers and fried chicken from the little mom and pops stores along the way. That stops and gonna lose 20 pounds maybe 30.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

2 more days and I’ll be smoke free for a month:smiley: Man, I salt stuff before I taste it. That’s going to be a hard one to break.

Glad that you’re ok Fred…scary situation and I’m happy that the surgeons and nurses took care of your blockages. Now comes the harder part…changing lifestyle. Good luck!! Sending positive thoughts your way!!

Originally posted by Easy

2 more days and I’ll be smoke free for a month:smiley: Man, I salt stuff before I taste it. That’s going to be a hard one to break.

I used to be that way, automatically putting salt & pepper on just about everything before it hit my mouth. I still do the salt, but at least taste it first, then salt in my hand to see how much I’m putting on. Used to be just straight from the shaker, salt everywhere.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Glad you’re here to talk about it, Fred.

Is there any truth in sea salt being “better for you” than regular table salt?

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Glad you made it thru! Stopping salt was a lot harder than smoaking, drinking or sex!. After 6 stents, 2 valve jobs a pacemaker and defebulater I decided to quit all this. If you ever have a time when you thaught you were drownding in your sleep its the fluid build up in your chest cavity, worst feeling i have ever had due to salt! Good luck keep up the diet and exersize!This is my 5 th year of good living, don’t know it will work much longer, just don’t have any strength left.Takes twice as long to do half a much! The Lord has been good to me for some reason!

Glad to hear you are doing better, Fred…

Take care.


Best of luck to you my friend. I don’t know if it helps but I take a daily dose of Bragg’s Vinegar, Ceylon Cinnamon, Cayenne pepper, Tumeric which is suppose to keep your arteries clean. Try to drink green tea with ginseng & cherry juice & honey instead of sugar. Stay away from sodas. Wife & I try to walk 2 miles a day but its tough with busy schedules. Treat yourself to a red wine & happy life!

glad you are doing ok fred!

Congrats to you guys that are quitting smoking. I think the first 3 weeks are the worst. After that, it’s still hard but not as much. I’ve been quit for 16 years after smoking for 25. I haven’t wanted to smoke for a very long time. The cravings do go away.

What SFL said^^^^ the cravings do go away, been quit just:flushed: over 40 yrs…

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Glad you made it through that Fred. Easy… Hang in there. I quit back in 1991.

2013 Tidewater 180CC
115 Yamaha

My cardio DR told me that if tobacco left the earth tomorrow, he would have to find another job

So glad thay you are feeling better. Hope you will have no more issues with this. So scary

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Originally posted by penfishn

So glad thay you are feeling better. Hope you will have no more issues with this. So scary

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

WOW! MRS Penfish!! So glad YOU are still with us! You are one of the few on this site that I would do most anything to help you with. I have so enjoyed all your past post and pictures of you and your Dad!! You are an Icon to this site!!

Thank God for modern medicine and may I have the strength to follow a strict regimen of diet and exercise. Doctor’s only big suggestion was Google Mediterranean Diet. Picked up some 100% virgin olive oil and looking to lower my intake of unhealthy foods… whatever that may be. :smiley: still studying on that.

Hope your Back is doing well and God Bless your Dad!

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I’m so glad to hear that you survived! The Cath Lab at Trident saved my father’s life. He was in the middle of a full-blown heart attack, Having what they call the widow maker, and they got him into the lab and opened up in under 20 minutes. With no long term heart damage.


Oyster Baron

NMFS = No More Fishing Season

“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”