No more Fried Pork Chops....

Just turning 50. Deep asleep and at 0500 Sunday morning wake up scared to death like a bad dream. Realise that I’m hurting bad in my chest… real bad. Get up take some tums and drink some milk. Nothing. Pace around a bit decide to wake up wife. Go to E.R. and after a little nitro pain eases. First blood test enzymes troponin level normal, second elevated, third elevated more. Doc says I had a heart attack. Scared at first then resolve to get it taken care of, Ambulance ride to Trident Dr. Chris McCarty takes me in Cath lab and finds a 98- 95- and 85% blockage gets the first two taken care of and after several tries Gets the worst one!! No open heart surgery!! Modern medicine and a determined Doctor and staff at it’s finest! Ready for another 50 years.

I know some lifestyle changes will be needed, but honestly I’m not fat(well not too fat) and in very good physical condition. Genetics, Dad is 85 and had his first heart attack at 42 with several stints following and two open heart surgerys. Brother has had stints put in twice.

I would recommend Trident’s Heart team to anyone! Gave me top notch care. My follow up Heart doctor will be Dr. ■■■■■■■■■ Funke Jr.

As much as I like fried pork chops I rarely eat them. :smiley: Guess it will be even more rare now.

Been ignoring it for a few months, just lucky I was in a state of rest when it finally happened and minimal heart damage. Anyone out there with a family history of heart disease I would urge to get checked out and keep it followed up. Mine was a super sharp pain centered slightly to left of chest with a little tightness in jaw and left arm. Like the worst heartburn you could imagine.

By no means posting this for any sympathy because I am doing great! Just posting for knowledge to anyone that may experience the same thing. That feeling of doom that they say Heart attack patients feel is very real. Crazy stuff. Any of you that start getting tired after physical activity followed by it being harder to get your breath, sweating

Fry them in real lard and it’s not all that bad for you…low fat diets kill people because you must substitute the fat for something else and that is usually carbs. Simple carbs are very unhealthy for people (most, at least). Grains, starchy things, etc…your body processes that crap the same way it does sugar.

I’m glad I’m reading about your ordeal, and not reading about you in the obituaries.

Hopefully exercise (especially cardiovascular) ,will be a part of your lifestyle change. Good luck with your health Fred, something we sometimes take for granted. You can’t grow a garden, hunt and fish if you’re six feet under!

Whole grains and high fiber foods are very good too!

Take care you old goat.

Good grief that’s scary. Glad you’re okay. I need to get healthier too.

Originally posted by poly ball

I’m glad I’m reading about your ordeal, and not reading about you in the obituaries.

Hopefully exercise (especially cardiovascular) ,will be a part of your lifestyle change. Good luck with your health Fred, something we sometimes take for granted. You can’t grow a garden, hunt and fish if you’re six feet under!

Whole grains and high fiber foods are very good too!

Take care you old goat.

Thank you very much. Just got back with the wife and Grandkids from a long walk. Chest is a little sore, but actually not near as tired as thought I would be. Always been high on the exercise thing. Can’t wait to test things out when I get Docs. approval. Pulse rate never got above 70 on the Ambulance ride. Parametic was impressed after going through mid day traffic. Was actually kind of a fun ride. Probably change my mind when the bill comes in.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Your Pulse probably WILL go above 70 once you get your bill for that ride.

Glad you’re ok though

Great news Fred that you found it and treated in time… Better to hear results than to be sending condolences to family!! They " doctors" found mine after 3 days and nights in hospital with symptoms that had them all stumped, that was several years and 3 stints ago , watching diet with quarterly rechecks seems to be working at least i hope so , it scares you to think of the other possibility!!! take care and prayers sent …:smiley:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

The Trident chest pain team is first class. I had a procedure there - 5 stents and I was doing everything wrong - smoking, way too much fried food . My good intentions only lasted about 6 months. Smoking again -bad food - I was only 35. Fast forward 10 years cardiac pain returns. 6 more stents I finally get the message and really change - no more smoking - almost become a vegan except for fish. at 53 heart attack Hurt so bad it knocked me down. 5 artery bypass. I went through cardiac rehab. never missed a day. If I had only changed my life earlier. Pain in Left jaw , left arm, center of my back and only a squeezing pressure in my chest Don’t ignore it.

I tend to believe in what Dr. Mercola puts up about our diets…here’s a simple google search of grains/heart disease, etc.*&spf=1

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

Fry them in real lard and it’s not all that bad for you…low fat diets kill people because you must substitute the fat for something else and that is usually carbs. Simple carbs are very unhealthy for people (most, at least). Grains, starchy things, etc…your body processes that crap the same way it does sugar.

I’ve got a headache from reading so much on line over the last couple of days about best diets and such. I believe you have a lot of truth in your post. The real lard if you do exercise goes straight to energy rather than storing from what I gather. No more margarine… real butter for me in moderation and moderation in everything. Gonna do a lot more venison instead of beef and pork. looking into raising some quail over chicken.

So far there is nothing that will actually reverse plaque build up, but with the leaps and bounds of modern medicine… who knows?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Good luck…the older I get, the more I start to worry about my health. I need to make some major changes.

Fred glad you are ok man , keep the faith and do the best ya can on diet and exercise , oh quail are hard to raise but let us know how that turns out .

I score 22.8

The "spare tire ", aka “belly fat”, is not good,regardless of what the old lady thinks…

If your BMI is close to 30, better be thinking about getting on a program,before it’s too late.

Good news Fred. I got my scar at the age of 46. As far as diet, I tend to listen to the Dr that was elbow deep in me for ten hours and that I’m paying to keep me alive. To each his own. Best wishes.

Glad you are okay brother. Scary stuff!

That had to be quit a scare for you and your family. Hope y’all are doing O.K… While your researching check out olive oil, supposed to be one of the better alternatives. Stay well Fred.

Glad you made it. Best wishes on a healthier future.


Glad you’re doing well. Better lay off the politics! :wink:

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

Glad you’re doing well. Better lay off the politics! :wink:

Yea, you are right on that one. Can’t do a thing about it but belly ache and disagree with some. Kind of like a train wreck, you just can’t look away. I’ll learn one day.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Glad you’re OK, Fred! 50 is too young for that sort of thing to be happening!

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson