No Outrage !!!!?????????

I frequently comment on the sewage (shat) that is too often >spilled , leaked , discharged into our rivers and creeks usually in the form of just poking fun at RBF cause he lives down the Wateree… Putting all the joking, aside this to me is un-excusable , just today they reported another 180,000 or so gallons of raw shat LEAKED </font id=“size5”></font id=“red”>into the creeks leading to the river again</font id=“red”> , a few weeks ago several hundred ,maybe, thousands LEAKED</font id=“red”> into it AGAIN</font id=“red”>… This sort of nonsense is happening far too often IMO , but what is more troublesome is I never hear of any outrage from (john q public) nor do I hear of any consequences to the culprits… We pizz and moan about Obummer,Trump,Russia,Putin and so on, ALL THE WHILE these culprit polluters stack shat up right under our noses, and we say nothing…All we ever hear is, it’s being investigated[:0] If you were caught izzing off the side of your boat while fishing they would lock your azz up for polluting :angry:
WHERES THE OUTRAGE :question::question::question::question::question::question::question: Am I wrong and just need to shut up and fish in the shat filled rivers and creeks:question:

First I’ve heard of it.

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

2007 Grady White 222 Fisherman / 250 Yamaha
Simrad NSS evo2 and G4
1- 22 boy that won’t move out)
1 - 18 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


I’ts a public utility! People know if they ***** to much they will have to pay for building a new grid to replace to old worn out system in place now! I know some of the mess is human caused, but the majority of it is to much for the plants to process! The same thing is hapining around Greenville! Only good thing is the bait fish in the river are eating well! Just have to learn to keep the net out of my mouth!!!

Boatpoor ; I agree in part , several of the spills/leaks here in the up-state have been created by privately held developers…Another issue is the uncontrolled growth that the infrstructure can’t handle and the idiots that OK all the permitting don’t require the infrastructure to be up-sized/graded first by the developers.:angry:

Know about that, I was a general contractor untill my retirement. Things were starting to happen after that!

RBF should be in charge of cleanup

Are you talking about the leak into the Catawba. .?

The catawba is the latest and catches the bulk in this watershed , hundreds of thousands of gallons in the last several years. Its almost getting to be just regular back page news!:roll_eyes: I’m not saying there not accidental it’s just that it happens so often and ya never hear of any real remedies or consequences…its sickening

UPDATE; News flash; News reports this morning, water now safe to drink[:0][:0] 180,000 thousand gallons of pure raw sewage spills into Catawba last week and this week its safe to drink,Hey RBF guess you can go skinnee dipping again!!! Need to empty the bedside bucket so I can fetch a bucket of water to wash the dishes …:smiley:> oh yea fetch me a glassful i’m thirsty </font id=“red”> Power co. spilled tons of coalash into upstate NC river and they say it still isn’t safe to use…

But let’s not fix the infrastructure or have regulations that would pretty much stop this kind of stuff. Don’t get on here and complain if your on the other thread complaining about regulations and taxes.

We just had a “spill” in columbia too. and i just caught and ate three trout from there saturday morning.

Proline 201WA
Aloha 24ft pontoon (LooneyToon)
Old Town stern with 7.5 johnson

The unbridled growth without rigid restraints to pre-build the infrastructure is turning our entire river/coastal system[:0] into one hugh cess pool for the financial gain of a few !!!:angry:

Originally posted by Reeldawg

But let’s not fix the infrastructure or have regulations that would pretty much stop this kind of stuff. Don’t get on here and complain if your on the other thread complaining about regulations and taxes.

Breezy voted for the swamp drainer.

But the proposed budget would eliminate all spending on nearly a dozen state-level programs aimed at researching and protecting local watershed ecosystems, including programs on the Chesapeake Bay, the Gulf of Mexico, Lake Champlain, Lake Pontchartrain and Puget Sound.

Originally posted by PeaPod

RBF should be in charge of cleanup

Because most of the BS around this place comes from him…

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by PeaPod

RBF should be in charge of cleanup

Because most of the BS around this place comes from him…

RBF has access to a butt load of fig trees for sho… You growing some to keep up with me…:smiley:


The rural water in our county comes from the Reedy River, I have a well tho, so far it is good and has been for 40 years, but my neighbors cant even water there garden with there water it’s so toxic! Ain’t getting any better!