Anyone use the no-roll sinkers instead of usual egg sinker for Carolina rigs? I have not seen them for sale in the typical 1/2 ounce or 3/4 that I use. I bet a 3/4 no-roll would do better than the 1-oz egg I go to when the current really starts ripping.
I use the big ones in the surf sometimes.
Any time I want my bait to move across the bottom I use egg, I found the no rolls get my line tangled more often.
I haven’t seen one smaller then 1oz in a long time, not sure why?
I think it’s because anything lighter than 1oz turns into a potato chip and the current tosses it around. In other words you loose the benefit of the flattened design.
I’ve used a similar pendant type weight (has a brass loop at the top, rather than feeding your line through it) in the past but cannot seem to find them anymore