Saw this ad on Craigslist today. No wonder NMFS and SAFMC can’t get some of our fisheries issues correct. This is where the rubber meets the road and they send out $8/hour part-timers and expect good data? Does something seem wacky here or is it just me?
Part Time Field Interviewers Needed
RTI International is seeking to hire field interviewers for the 2012 Atlantic Coast Access-Point Angler Intercept Survey. This important research study, sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) conducts face-to-face interviews with marine recreational anglers, or those who fish in saltwater for fun, not for competition or for money. Field interviewers travel to assigned sites to interview anglers about their fishing experiences, collect a variety of information, and (when possible) weigh, measure, and identify fish that the anglers have caught. Assigned sites can include beaches, banks, piers, docks, jetties, and access points for private, charter, and head boats, including marinas, boat ramps and other points of entry to marine waters. Field interviewers are responsible for filling out surveys with anglers at these sites in addition to completing other study forms.
Position is part-time, hourly, and temporary. Weekly hours may vary based on your location. Approximately 6 to 8 months of work is available with an average of 10-25 hours per week.
Be available to work, on average, a minimum of 10 hours per week from May through October;
Have a valid driver’s license and access to a personal vehicle;
Be willing to travel reasonable distances to reach assigned sites;
Have legible handwriting and good attention to detail;
Be able to complete, organize, and safely store paperwork;
Be comfortable working outside for extended periods of time in varying temperatures and weather conditions;
Be available on weekends and weekdays, with additional availability during some evenings and nights