Out on a leisurely ride this evening on the Stono with my wife and dog. While on our way back to Limehouse we were waved down by a couple and their daughter sitting on a neighborhood dock, cover off the engine. He couldn’t get it started and asked for a ride back to the launch. We of course offered to tow their boat back to the launch. All was going well until I decided to stop short of the bridge to discuss the game plan to get their boat into the launch. Did I mention it was outgoing tide.
So before you know it both our boats were being pushed toward the bridge. Luckily he quickly untied the line from his boat and we were able to dodge to either side of the bridge support. We were able to get back together and getting their boat into the launch went much smoother. This time we used the tide to our advantage. My first time towing a boat in the water and I have definitely learned something in the event I will have to do it again.
Good on you for helping out another boater. It still amazes me though the number of folks that don’t have tow coverage. I towed a guy from under the Ravenel bridge once, it was not a pleasant experience as it was windy and choppy. My little boat ain’t a tug boat.
“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?
well done for helping out another boater in need. I’m not positive but i was under the impression that it’s illegal to not stop when waived down by a boater in distress. I’ve towed a couple and it gets a little tricky when being around structures
I towed a 20’ or so boat on Lake Murray a few yrs ago, with my 16’ Lund. I was on my way out for some fishing. Hubby was on the bow, almost in the water, trying to paddle with a little 2ft. plastic paddle. It was just a short distance to the ramp, so the ride was pretty easy. When I got him to the dock, he wanted me to wait around till he backed his trailer down. Then wanted me to push his boat on to the trailer with my boat. I told him “I don’t think so” and he could winch it up. He got pissed at me because I wouldn’t do it, cursed me, then flipped me off.
Stopped many times to help a stranded boater. About 50 % of the time the kill switch was unpluged and they just need a jump! Don’t go far with jumper cables.
You are obligated to offer assistance and to make sure everyone is safe. Assistance may mean calling SeaTow for them. You don’t have to end your day to take somebody all the way back to their desired safe harbor. It is a judgement call. I probably would have towed the couple and the daughter back to the dock as Steelwill did. Two grown men who should know better and simply ran out of gas? I’m not ending one of my too-few days on the water for a 2 hour tow back to their trailer.
If somebody is in DANGER, then yes do whatever it takes. That’s my strategy.
Stopped for a guy one day about the end of the jetties. Motor was dead. He asked if I could tow him to Remleys, yeah sure, that’s where I’m headed. Got him hooked up, got underway, looked back and he and his buddy were fishing.