Not starting...

Zmax 150. Start battery age? On charger all night and boat cranked fine all day while fishing, then it won’t crank.

Jump it, now it cranks, and cranks with out jumper…
When the motor would not cranked, all electronics were weak or down…i.e., depth finder and motor trim.

Connections to battery are tight.

Sure sounds like a bad battery. Take it to advanced and have them load test it. If the battery checks out then it’s the charging system.

Wellcraft V-20 sportfish with a 200 Evinrude

Check for corrosion on termanals!

Not a motor issue but an electric issue. Steelytom has a great suggestion of taking the battery to a parts store to have it tested and diagnosed. And boatpoor highlights some good old fashioned trouble shooting.
I’d isolate the circuit by only having motor on battery. And once it’s running, test the output voltage of your rectifier/alternator and be sure that it matches up against Info that you can google(13.4V?).

2002 17’SeaHunt

You can test it yourself for a dead cell with a hydrometer, the little squeeze bulb on a glass tube with the four floating balls inside. You can get them at an auto parts store for a few bucks. Nice addition to your tool box.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish
Yamaha 250

Sealed battery


Keep it simple. You need at least something like 12.4 volts to get it cranking. If connections are loose or corroded you wont get the 12.4. If you don’t have a digital voltmeter you can get one for $20. You’ll find lots of uses for it. Clean/tighten things up, charge it overnight. If it doesn’t do the job have it tested at an auto parts store.

Yeh, Simple–Buy a new battery.

This is my son’s boat & he’s on vacation. He just said - if he leaves the depht finder off while fishing, the motor starts. If he uses the finder, no start.

Still sounds like bad battery…?


sounds like a bad battery or a major current draw in the system

The older I get and the more advanced that cars/boats get, the more often it seems that it’s a battery - even when it’s supposedly not. It’s always the first thing I change even when I’m told it’s fine. My old Armada started acting up (intermittent starts) and I suspected either the battery or the starter. Took it to Autozone and they told me the battery was fine and it was the starter. The starters on those things aren’t really accessible or meant to be replaced. Got a second opinion, tested again and was told it was the starter. Put it in the shop and they said before spending $$ replacing the starter, they swapped the battery just to see. Worked fine for the next 2 years until I sold it.

First thing to always replace is the battery.

^^^^Especially if it four years old. I can almost never get one to go past four years anymore.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish
Yamaha 250

New battery seems to have cured the ailment…thanks for input!!
