Not to miss at SEWE?

We have never bought tickets, just went to the square.We are thinking about buying tickets this year.Moving around during the weekend is a *****, so I think we should pick just a handful of events and get there early, any suggestions?

mckee - if we get to go both saturday and sunday we usually start saturday at marion square and head towards charleston place. lots of free things to see and do. they also used to do things at or near the aquarium. may have to purchase tickets for some events. we usually end the weekend at brittlebank watching the dock dogs. pick up a SEWE schedule of events or pull it up on line at and take your pick. my son and i always have good time seeing the exhibits and you run into many past and present friends.
good luck and hope to see ya there.

This may be a dumb question,but do we even need to buy tickets? What will we miss out on if we don’t? I was looking forward to some of the cooking demonstrations.

Originally posted by mckee16

This may be a dumb question,but do we even need to buy tickets? What will we miss out on if we don’t? I was looking forward to some of the cooking demonstrations.

I think you can roam around most of Marion Square without a ticket, but to ride the bus or gain entry to Brittlebank Park and I think Charleston Place (for the exhibits) you do need a ticket…

EDIT: show brochure…good info…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

there’s some pretty suite camo outfits walking around on the attendees. i hate to miss those