Not to old for fun with snow.

I might gripe about cold weather, but when it comes it comes. Might as well do the best with it. After doing all the money making work we could and getting all the race affairs taken care of for this season, we figured might as well enjoy what God has given us!.

We sat around the shop and figured this would work as good on snow as it does on water. The float was much smother than the disk. I’m showered and warm now, but dang if it wasn’t fun.

Mixed an adult beverage and now relaxing thinking about what tomorrow may bring. I’m guessing not much until Monday.

If only I could have given some video and more pictures!! Absolutely hilarious time!! If we could have had this stuff Up North 30 years ago!!

Many people will say you get used to the cold… They are Wrong, you never get used to it… You just deal with it!

life is good!

Never too old to be a kid if body will allow:smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:
great pics fred;:smiley::smiley::smiley:

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

After everything closed early here in Columbia, I think I saw one flake.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

You saw more than I did DF. I got a text at 1pm saying my plant was closed for 2nd shift. Kind of pissed me off that I had to lose a days pay for nothing.

Fred, I would have been watching, with a cold one in my hand, from inside the nice warm house. I can’t stand the cold and I got enough of the snow when I lived in Colorado.

Bob Van Gundy
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by Happy Bob

You saw more than I did DF. I got a text at 1pm saying my plant was closed for 2nd shift. Kind of pissed me off that I had to lose a days pay for nothing.

Fred, I would have been watching, with a cold one in my hand, from inside the nice warm house. I can’t stand the cold and I got enough of the snow when I lived in Colorado.

Bob Van Gundy
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Snow is fun for a day, I’ve got to met a fellow and work in it again today. Sore from a few roll overs yesterday. Body doesn’t take abuse like it used to. Be glad to see it gone.

Dfreedom, have a friend and neighbor that is Highway patrol and boy did they have a rough time in Jasper county! Would not want to be LE in this kind of weather!

Snow is fun to play in but sucks to drive in and sucks even worse to shovel. I miss skiing and sled riding and snowball battles and cutting donuts in vacant parking lots and fields and especially hunting in the snow but I definitely don’t miss shoveling sidewalks and driveways. Granted, me and my buddies made bank (or at least what a few young kids thought was bank back then) shoveling people’s sidewalks and driveways.

Looks like y’all had an awesome time, Fred. You’ll be talking about that for a long time.

“…be a man and PM me.”