November 12 Buck

Got a pretty decent one Saturday morning about 7am. Most bucks I have been getting on camera the last 30 days or so had been a good bit before and after shooting light. This guy started showing up about 630 on one of our fields on the 7th. Hadn’t been hunting that stand much but after getting a few picks I hunted the stand Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Didn’t see much Friday but 5-6 does and a small 4. Saturday morning I got in the stand about 20 til 6. Had a few doe in the field when I got up and they hung around for about 45 min and wandered off. About 7 he walked out heading to a scrap on the edge of the field.

He was in a bit of a hurry so I had to rush the shot a little. He was quartering a little towards toward ls me. Got him right on the point of his shoulder but the bullet didn’t exit. Didn’t find much blood for about 30 yards but then started getting a better trail. Through I had. Issues at first when we didn’t see anything in the field. Eased into the woods where he ran and finally found a few drops. Backed out because we didn’t see much and gave him about an hour. He only ended up running about 60 yards. Aged him from his lower jaw and he was two. Probably would have let him walk of I would have know he was so young. Would have been a stud next year.





Very nice congrats.

“If we ever forget that we’re
one nation under God,
we will be a nation gone under.” - Ronald Reagan

Nice… Got some good genetics handing around your property for sure!!

Sea Hunt 225
Yamaha F200