Spent the weekend on the couch trying to conquer the flu and found a show “Selling Yachts” on AWE network. The buyers are mostly in their 30’s and the dude will ask how hard it is to learn to “drive” this 60-110 foot yacht that they are looking at. I’ve had boats most of my life and I still can struggle with my 27 if the tide and wind are not optimal. That younger generation! I guess if he can text or Snapchat the Coast Guard they might be OK.
I quit pushing my Boat Coach business after getting a few call from people wanting help with their first boat ever and it was usually something in the 25+ range with twin engines.
After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.
Money doesn’t buy intelligence or common sense. I was told by a Capt. one time about a guy he ungrounded 3 times in one day. After the 3rd time, the guy asked him why he kept running aground, he told him, “you have too much money and too little brain”. The guy’s first boat was a 37’er. He had never “driven” a boat before in his life.
“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?