Nuther Stock Question

My wife has a few bucks sitting in HER Scottrade account. She has decided sh wants to buy either gun stocks or ammo stocks. Looking at S&W, Ruger and Olin. Thoughts.

Olin has really sucked for me, I had some of it for a while, lost money and sold it. But Ruger and S&W have done very well. Also VSTO, Vista outdoor products, owns a lot of ammo, powder and primer companies and have done very well for us. We have doubled our money on these 3 in the last year. Today wasn’t so great, only made about $100, but didn’t have to go outside and break a sweat to do it either :smiley: The bank is paying .5 percent on savings. I like 50-100% return a lot better :smiley:

Every time Obummer and the Hilderbeast open their mouths, gun and ammo stocks go up more. Keep on talking :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Good companies are easy to find. Getting a good price is the hard part. Look at historical P/E and make sure you are getting a fair price, and not a bubble price.