Obama Care for Seniors

A cut and Paste! Not sure all this is true or not! With 2,000+ pages of something no one read it probably is[:0] Maybe a CF’er that works in the Medical field can shed some light!

ALL SENIORS BETTER READ THIS!!! from a senior gentleman in Mesa, Arizona:

Family, Friends, Neighbors, and former Classmates,

I just found myself in the middle of a medical situation that made it very clear that “the Affordable Care Act” is neither affordable, nor do they care.

I’ll go back about seven years ago to a fairly radical prostate surgery that I underwent. The Urologist who performed the surgery was very concerned that it was cancer, though I wasn’t told this until the lab report revealed it was benign. Since that procedure, I have experienced numerous urinary tract infections, UTI’s. Since I had never had a “UTI” prior to the prostate surgery, I assumed that it is one of the side effects from surgery, an assumption since confirmed by my Family Doctor.

The weekend of March 8-9, I was experiencing all the symptoms of another UTI. By Monday afternoon the infection had hit with full force. Knowing that all I needed was an antibiotic, I went to an Urgent Care Center in Mesa, AZ, to provide a specimen a requirement for getting the prescription. After waiting 45 minutes to see the Doctor, I started getting very nauseous and light headed. I went to the Receptionist to ask where the bathroom was, as I felt that I was going to throw up. I was told that I would have to wait for the Doctor because I would have to leave a specimen and they didn’t want me in the bathroom without first seeing him. That was when the lights went out. My next awareness was that of finding myself on the floor (in the waiting room) having violent dry heaves, and very confused. At this point, I tried to stand up but couldn’t make it, and they made it very clear they weren’t going to let me get up until the ambulance got there. By the way, when you’re waiting to see the Doctor and you pass out, you get very prompt attention.

Now, "the rest

the second sentence says it all, but still had to post, do some fact checking every once in a while, wouldn’t make y’all look so gullible.


Oh,I picked ■■■■■■■■■.org because snopes is communist and they lie all the time.


Even more inaccurate is the charge that this policy stemmed from the Affordable Care Act. In reality, this stems from a separate policy decision and had nothing to do with Obama’s law. The claim is not only ridiculous but also dangerous, by urging ailing patients to leave the hospital for no good reason. This claim rates Pants on Fire.

probably bolbie! Did you not read, the first line of the post?

(Not sure all this is true or not! With 2,000+ pages of something no one read it probably is Maybe a CF’er that works in the Medical field can shed some light!)

Originally posted by Easy

probably bolbie! Did you not read, the first line of the post?

(Not sure all this is true or not! With 2,000+ pages of something no one read it probably is Maybe a CF’er that works in the Medical field can shed some light!)

Read MY first sentence! what puzzles the hell outta me is you acknowledge it may be untrue, but still post it anyway. I guess you are unable to perform a search that takes all of 35 seconds.

I also said that maybe someone could shed some light, on weather or not it is true! You choose to be that person and now you’re *****ing about it! Why did I have to do a search, when you are so ready to do it for me? Did it make you feel good to do the search for me? I really appreciate it! My garage needs cleaning out also! You up for it? Should have figured it would be you! Always ready to prove, how superior, you’re liberal intellect is! Wonder how I can piss you off next?

I think proving you wrong again is fun, I am far from angry.

I’m not angry either! Tell me again, how you proved me wrong?

The Bum and Zeke “Euthanasia” Emanuel have a mantra they exchange while slapping high fives in the WH
“Yo Bro; The only good Senior is a dead Senior”!!!

16’ Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat
25hp Yammy 4 stroke

LOL… perhaps the title should have been Obamacare for Easy.

f a c t c h e c k . o r g is what proved you wrong, again.

Didn’t prove anything I said was wrong at all! I said that it may not be true and asked for input! I’ve been seeing a lot of Doctors lately and will see more in the near future for surgery and I hope a short hospital stay! I’ll ask this question and clear it all up!

My thoughts are that the story is total bs. My self and a number of friends have obamacare. My friend who reps health insurance, with obamacare included, himself had a year of several major recurring surgeries. OC paid every penny. No one I know who has it has every had a problem with it not paying as advertised.

Not saying I disbelieve everything in the original post, or that I agree with the ACA. I am saying I haven’t been sold a bill of goods as far as coverage.

Crazy thing about obuma care is that no one knows the complete truth of it. Fact check that.

I do know that in the year of our Lord 2015 it has cost me and extra $8,123.22 in Health care. Guess when you work hard to help pay for those that enjoy the free ice cream, it is just part of life for the middle class working people.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Fred, I’m just glad I’m covered by the VA, for Service Connected Disabilites! I got a letter from them saying that my coverage meets all of the Obama Care requirements!

Originally posted by Easy

Fred, I’m just glad I’m covered by the VA, for Service Connected Disabilites! I got a letter from them saying that my coverage meets all of the Obama Care requirements!

I’m screwed again Easy. Depending on your income, the VA won’t do squat for you. That was thanks to B. Clinton.

If I was a low life I could quit working and probably do just as good or much better than I am now. I won’t take the free Ice Cream. Not in my blood to be supported when I can support myself.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Fred I guess I did something smart once in my life! When I retired from the Army, I copied my Medical Records and signed up for VA disability coverage! I’d heard of to many cases of your records turning up missing! I still have those records!