Odd request - Turtlenecks in town?

Just duct tape the hind legs together for a few days. Don’t put it on Facebook.

Originally posted by PeaPod

This is still not as weird as when Easy was trying to buy some lingerie for his dog… He said it was for medical reasons.

skinneej, I think have an old turtle neck or two I haven’t worn in years. I will let you have them.

It ain’t like it is ever going to get cold enough down here to wear them.


skinneej, in his Day Glow, Man-Kini:face_with_head_bandage:

Originally posted by Easy

skinneej, in his Day Glow, Man-Kini:face_with_head_bandage:

I do shave my thighs though…

Yeah, if your going to wear a Man-Kini,you do need to Manscape:face_with_head_bandage: Pee Pod, told me that! Why, I don’t know:question:

Jeez, why did I open this thread?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?


I still have turtlenecks. You boys got a problem with that?

RBF sports an all season turtleneck that typically appears after very cold water…

I ain’t given my turtleneck away to nobody…


I do have Gus Malzon’s number on speed dial…you want it?

I’ve heard of this great internet company called Nile.com, or mississippi.com…some river. I hear they sell everything.