of all my rants please check out this video.....

My mom sent this to me from facebook. I believe this summons up a lot about the ludicrous insensitively OUR president stated over the the recent Charleston Massacre by a deranged piece of scum. His whole message was not to sooth the grieve, but stir the pot and further his gun ban agenda.

This is by a 12 year old boy with more insight than most grown men/women.

The kid has already had his facebook page locked down for an earlier video that was spot on.


Edit: the below is just an added extra tangent on my part, but good none the less. I edited for the Bolly’s of this site and added a link to an earlier video that got him facebook banned. There are some pretty negative comments about him if you choose to read any. and some good ones.


There is more…search CJ Pearson Here’s a quote from an earlier video. “If you really did love America, you would call [Islamic State] what it really is: an assault on Christianity, an assault on America and downright hate for the American values that our country holds … freedom of speech, freedom of religion and everything that our country stands for … I hope that one day people will get enough guts to speak out against your downright hatred for this nation.”

For all you Snoopes fans they said his ban from face book was false because all though he could not post, other still could. Snoops can bite the big one…

Good video. Too bad more people, young and old, don’t think the way this young man does.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Thanks for sharing. Seems to be quite a young man. Using non-violent measures to disagree with someone. More of what the world needs. I am sure his parents are very proud of him as they should be.


Who cares,the kid cant vote.Below was a comment on the little fella…

If he actually knew anything about ISIS (instead of the claptrap that someone has obviously been feeding him), he?d know that more Muslims have been killed by ISIS than Christians. ISIS is about enforcing their strict interpretation of Islam (much the way that several evangelical Christians in this country are trying to enforce their strict interpretation of Christianity on other Americans?eg, recent regulations enacted to allow people to ?refuse service? if they feel it ?violates their deeply-held religious beliefs?) and they don?t really give two pips about anyone else?s interpretation of Islam.

Originally posted by poly ball

Who cares,the kid cant vote.Below was a comment on the little fella…

Fair enough Bolly, I’ll take that as I figured I may get some negative. Isis aside, ( as that was a tangent on my part) what do you think about the video on Gun control and our president using this horrific event to further push his view that American citizens have no need to own guns rather than using his position to help sooth grieving hearts?

You hold true as always. He’ll be able to vote shortly, maybe run for an office and help some wrongs in our society. My glass is half full.

On the full side I see all of the good people of Charleston coming closer, no matter what our president says or the Al Sharpen’s and Jesse Jackson’s of the world say. I pray so.


President Obamas speech is there,not sure how you view the speech as “insensitive”

Originally posted by poly ball


President Obamas speech is there,not sure how you view the speech as “insensitive”

isn’t this his second statement… I’m sure he was coached a tiny bit.

Originally posted by Fred67

[quote]Originally posted by poly ball


President Obamas speech is there,not sure how you view the speech as “insensitive”

isn’t this his second statement… I’m sure he was coached a tiny bit.

His first was “Let’s be clear, this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.”

The above is about statement is about as uninformed as it gets, admit it bolly, obuma is the worst president in our history. I believe obuma’s head is up his butt in the sand if he thinks mass killings do not happen else where in “advanced” countries.

"Let's be clear, this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Obama must think that we are all as stupid as he is.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I love it when someone tries to compare our country to what other countries do. Last week we (the U.S.) was criticized by China, Japan and Australia among others. Uh, China executes you and sends a bill for the bullet to the family. Japan…ask them what they think of Koreans. And our Aussie friends. Well, they only tried to exterminate the Aborigines. No one is perfect, not even those neutral Swiss.

We live in the freest, most diverse country in the world. We can’t compare what happens here to Sweden, Bolivia, Thailand or any other country.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.