OFC's Dandilion and many other plants

I got on a kick a couple decades ago with Natural remedies and such. Really not a lot of older folk around that actually know much about them, just memories from their parents. You get to digging and it seems that most home remedies went out the door from government bans like Laudanum, Coke, and Marijuana and then the easy access to “new and improved” remedies that started being pumped out by big pharma.

I’m one that believes God made a plant, fungus, fish, or some other thing that will cure most any ailment. I have little doubt Big Pharma has a cure for Cancer, and if not there is a cure in nature for it. Maybe in a combination of several things?

do a search on tulsi… or Basil. People in India sure swear by it, I know it pairs well with Tomatoes. So many herbs with benefits. what’s y’alls thoughts?

Just a disclaimer. I’m all for big pharma producing safe new and improved medicines. Lord knows I take enough. Just would love to have some scientific truth to what’s available to gather or grow naturally and adding to that what could you take that would have interactions with modern medicine. I was told not to eat Grape fruit for one.

It’s been a beautiful day!

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Like pics of Tulsi?? lol


Hey Fred, I know I scatter stuff around, but planted about 4 acres of Sunn Hemp and some of it germinated in 3 days as advertised. I did broadcast method after disking aggressive, then again second notch from straight. Then drag harrow.

That cold snap with rain had me concerned, but the warm up has it all coming up.

Did a few smaller spots disking and tossing out by hand and compacting with side by side only. Great results!

I’ll get some pics up soon. Not of Tulsi, tho. Pretty excited to see if what is said comes to fruition!!


Sorry for derailing your post, really.

Forgot to add that I saw on the Tube how to ferment chicken feed. I did a batch in quart jar two days ago and just gave them some…They love it.

Supposed to be more nutritious and cheaper.


Derailing?!! No sir, just adding to my rambling. Thanks for the post on the sun hemp. I’ve been asking around about it and was surprised that a good few knew what it was. A really good soil builder and needs little fertilizer and everyone says the deer love it. My Nephew works on Brosnan Forest in Dorchester and they plant some. I believe they are doing 400 acres in food plots with various stuff.

On the fermenting thing, never heard of doing it for chickens. Only for Hogs. With them if you soak corn, you’ll almost double what they can digest. … slop.

Where are the pics of Tulsi?

I used to dig some sassafras roots for my dad. He would boil them to make a tea that he said was great for arthritis.

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Sounds like fermenting is like corn fodder silage a cow’s stomachs can’t digest whole corn kernels and it goes out the back end so it has to be cracked or fermented in silage

I’ve drunk sassafras tea and dandelion wine hbu?

Probably not what you wanted.

Drank many a cup as a kid over at my Grandmoms. She would only get the root in the fall and through winter. She said it was bad for you to get it during spring and summer… ???

My mom forbid me from drinking it after she heard it may cause cancer when the big scare of everything causing cancer was around in the late 70’s early 80’s. Evidently if you search for it, they gave some rats massive amounts of sassafras and some got cancer. I loved it as a hot tea with milk and sugar, or cold with just a little sugar.

this is what used to flavor Rootbeer before the fda banned it.

You bring this up, Used to find Sassafras trees everywhere, to the point of an invasive aggravation. Don’t see it as much anymore. Makes a pretty yellow flower in the spring.

Hey Fred, I’m a rookie on chickens, so far so good. Chicken education comes from here, and the Tube.

Had a lot of sassafras growing next to house used to have on Ladys Island. To the point you would just mow down all the suckers popping up while cutting grass.

Roots and small stems smelled great when crushed a bit. Never tried the tea.


Bay, fermenting tractor supply feed.


DoubleN, if you ever decide to give it a try you don’t need a lot of root. a couple three 3/4 - 1" a few inches long. Rinse them really good and put in a 1/2 gallon ish of water in a pot. Bring to a hard boil for a couple of minuets then let it simmer for 10 or so min. Strain it through a coffee filter and drink it hot with cream and sugar or let it cool off and put it over ice. Pretty pinkish color liquid.

Next tree I see I’m gonna have to have me a little bit. You mentioned about running them over and the smell. I’ve pushed in some roads or just doing a little land clearing and you know instantly when you’ve pushed one over. Love that smell.

Here’s some interesting information on Dandelions.

I was looking this morning and I don’t have a single plant on my property that I can find. I may go over to mom’s and look around.

Probably 30 years ago found this sassafras tree growing and made me a cane out of it

Be needing it soon

That’s nice BaY!! What I’ve found to make good canes is a wild huckleberry. I’ve never been good at working with wood other than a lopsided chicken pen or dog house. I need to take a pic of the one I made for my Dad before he passed. You can find the bottom rubber stoppers on Amazon.