Offshore trip

Me and my buddies come down to Charleston once a year for a fishing trip. We normally go on the Thunderstar, but they are not fishing this year. Don’t know why. Is there any other head boats in the area or something to fish about 10 people? Thanks

Carolina Clipper I think. It’s been so long.

Umm, you gonna eat that?©

afraid not. you can thank the South Atlantic Marine Fisheries for that or the new whale regulations. the closest you are going to get is Mark Brown on the Teasar 2. he is right behind where the T-star used to be.

Dont know how far you want to drive but you can get onto a head Boat at captain dicks in Murrells Inlet. They go out to the 55 mile area 2x weekly begionning mid march or early april. If you have 6 or less there are many good sixpac captains in Charleston who would work well!

Ken Mc