Oil/ Natural Gas Research off of SC


Thoughts or opinions on this? Just hoping for an avoidance of something like the BP Incident…

Shouldn’t you be studying?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

On the news right now…

I say lets wait until we deplete all of the Middle East’s oil, then tap ours.

The craziest part about this is Obuma is fighting the Keystone Pipe line, but willing to drill off the coast of the states that he didn’t carry. Politics at it’s finest.

The keystone pipe line pretty much goes through the states he won while S.C., N.C., and Georgia were won by Romney. :face_with_head_bandage:

We could bring up all the oil in Alaska…

The craziest part about this is Obuma is fighting the Keystone Pipe line, but willing to drill off the coast of the states that he didn't carry. Politics at it's finest.

The keystone pipe line pretty much goes through the states he won while S.C., N.C., and Georgia were won by Romney.

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That was my initial thought also. He just closed up 20 million acres of Alaska tundra, trying to nix the pipeline, but opens our coast for drilling. WTF:roll_eyes:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

How far offshore are they drilling? Within reach of CC? Or too far for fishing the rigs?

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Rigs would be cool but SAFMC would find a way to screw up the regulations and fishing.

I know how but don’t want to give them any ideas if they haven’t already planned on it and are reading this…




Luke 8:22-25

Previous exploration developed small amounts of NG which the nation has a large surplus of doubtful any drilling will happen.

Originally posted by Fred67

I say lets wait until we deplete all of the Middle East’s oil, then tap ours.

Exactly my thoughts. If we deplete our oil first, what will our planes use during the apocalypse, energy from hamster wheels? Do we really want to leave the middle east standing on the last barrel of oil? Right now they are selling it to us for record lows!!! Let's suck them dry!!!