Old Warriors

They could still get it done, just a little bit slower!


Double that salute :sunglasses: I’m sure they can still get done when necessary.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Thank guys! Mostly Recon and Mortar, troops in the photo! A good time was had by all! I’ve been gone for a week, so I posted that for MD! I’m Proud of my service and Battle Buddy’s and I’m not ashamed to show it. They are a great bunch of MEN!

That’s very cool, Easy. Funny thing is, I bet NONE of those guys see or consider race; all they know is they’re all AMERICANS. And they’re all heroes. My most sincere thanks to them and you.

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

good post, easy. Thank you.

I wonder how many keep up with the Kardashians…

Bart, there ain’t no color in the field, just who you can count on to back your 6! We shared everything and would give everything for the MAN next to us! Didn’t matter what color he was! We counted on him doing the same for us and he did! Bart, the Black guy in the Front Row holding the sign lost a leg over there! That’s the only reason we let him sit for the picture. He didn’t ask to sit, we just put him there! We take care of our own, as we can! We know what he gave for us, but he doesn’t ask for anything special! He doesn’t have to ask, it’s his!

skinneej, most of those guys have the old style Flip Phones! You know
(Machete, Don’t Text) type guys? If they knew about the show, they wouldn’t admit they watched it!

One of the best posts and pics posted on this very site, Easy. God Bless you and your guys…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Great post Easy !

2013 Tidewater 180CC
115 Yamaha

just amazing! Keep it going! You guys are whats keeping/ kept America strong!

True MEN and American heroes!

Excellent…Seems like only half guys got the memo about the Hawaiian shirt…

Area 51, we had an Ugly Hawaiian Shirt Contest. The winner is the guy in the front row wearing the Crown. He was a Lt. Col. when he retired and a West Pointer to boot. The guy in the front row far right could chop down trees for a Dust Off LZ, with an M60 faster than we could blow them down with C4 and det-cord! Lots of old talent there:wink::smiley:[:0] I’m very proud to have served, with each and every one of them!

Cool post Easy. I have met a few vets from WW II and on and one thing I have noticed is that the majority of them almost seem bashful about their contributions and sacrifices.

Thanks for the post!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Thanks Y’all! To Me ,they are a very special bunch!

Easy, I was going to make an assumption about the ugly shirt contest but I didn’t want to come out of the gate sounding like a democrat…

One lone wolf in the front row holding a long neck and no lit cigars? outrageous…

Ha, it was a no smoking facility and his wife wasn’t there! We know enough to put down the beers, so as to not have any incriminating photos show up later! Lots of wives, were off camera watching. It’s a family thing. That’s good, as it gives the wives a perspective of who they have really been living with, all these years. Old mild mannered Clark Kent or SM? Most would never have expected, what their man was capable of, but we know![:0]:imp::wink: Chopping down trees with an M60 tucked under your armpit is an art, not something you want to learn when a life is on the line! He was that good!

Hey Easy ; I’ve got a friend, (fishing buddy), that was in the
Americal Division , Delta Company, I think . You got any more info on this group of hero’s ???


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

The Americal Division had 3 Infantry Brigades with 4 or 5 Battalions in each Brigade. Each Battalion had l Delta Company in it. That’s a lot of Delta’s. If you can find out what Battalion he was in and when he was over there, it would be a start!