one happy guy

after having his first kid and working constantly (USF&W) we’ve been trying to get together to toss some feathers. He loves to paddle so we headed out in kayaks to chase red in what we thought was going to be a sunny day, but oh well. Roman got his 1st red on the fly! his enthusiam was contagious as I almost fell out laughing ( I dont think he had too much backing…I rushed over and pulled his anchor for a lil’ ride to save a few diminishing yards. He had tied the fly himself which we drapped over the fish for his braggin board. man, what an scene. It could not have come together for a better guy.




Nice fish Scotty and also a nice looking fly give me a call when you want to go throw the fly. Also when you heading up to catch the shad I have started tying some flies for it and brought out the five weight for a little light weight rod practice give me a shout later

definately. the brine has claimed more trailer lights so Im mounting a pair to a 2X4 and throwing in in back of the truck when I launch. I should be ready soon,

Congrats…that is pretty good size RED for your first…even better when you hand tie the fly that catches your first…awesome…you should frame the second picture and glue the fly to the frame…

I might do that for him. good idea, wish I had a picture of my first.