Full crew…thank you</font id=“red”></font id=“size3”>
I need one maybe two for Saturday 07-07-07. I will be heading to EB in the am. Leaving Remeleys at 4am. Help split cost. Please call me @ 843-327-7681.
Will be getting the boat ready so if you call and I dont answer please leave a mes.
PS this is an old post just cleaned it up for this trip</font id=“size4”></font id=“blue”>
Fortunately, I saw this early enough and was able to go.(thanks Stretch)
haz-r-dous and casper had never met me before but welcomed me aboard like I was an old friend. It was obvious right away that haz was a capable captain and seasoned angler.
Staggling weeds were bothersome all day but we managed to boat a nice dolphin and Casper caught a beautiful Kingfish. we released some small ones and had several short strikes and lost more than a couple.
I have an inshore boat and only get to go out when invited by others, so this was a real treat for me. Thanks you guys, I had a blast!
Haz, good to see you finally using that big badazz toy of yours! Anytime you need crew, please holler at me, I’ve got the cash and the time these days, and hadn’t seen you on the water in a long time